Monday, April 26, 2021

Tibetan mastiff puppy breeders

Tibetan mastiff puppy breeders - are you considering buying a Tibetan Mastiff? If you have fallen in love with the classic Tibetan Mastiff, you have learned about the character and behavior and the care it needs, perhaps now you are here seeing one of the most important points in the acquisition of an animal of this breed. You have done well. Keep reading and find out what the price of the Tibetan Mastiff is and what Tibetan Mastiff farms are in Spain to be able to buy the giant Himalayan dog.

Tibetan mastiff puppy breeders

Tibetan mastiff puppy breeders cute

Tibetan mastiff puppy breeders black color

Tibetan mastiff puppy breeders style

Tibetan mastiff puppy breeders white color

Tibetan mastiff puppy breeders brown color

How much does a Tibetan Mastiff cost?

How much a young mastiff costs depends not only on the money invested in it by the breeder, but also on the location of the kennel, as well as the class to which the animal belongs. The price of a Tibetan Mastiff is influenced by the past of its parents, the sex of the puppy (bitches are more expensive than males) or the number of puppies in the litter.

Now, if you are in Spain and you want to buy a Tibetan Mastiff, get used to the idea that the sale price of a Tibetan Mastiff in farms ranges between 600 and 1,300 euros approximately.

As you can see, Tibetan mastiffs are not cheap, but their price is marked by the exclusivity and peculiarity of this giant animal.

Adult dog classes

Pet Tibetan Mastiff: purebred dogs cannot breed or participate in exhibitions; the lowest price is set;

Purebred Tibetan Mastiff: Most of the times puppies are born that, when they are one year old, can participate in exhibitions and in breeding, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders.

Tibetan Mastiff "Show-class": specimens that do not have defects in the exterior and the character are rarely born and are left in nurseries for later reproduction.

Regardless of the external qualities, you should know that the Tibetan Mastiff will be a devoted friend of the owner for his whole life.

Where to buy a Tibetan Mastiff in Spain?

In Spain there are very few registered Tibetan Mastiff farms. 

Kennel Canino Deltuyalimon: kennel located in Alhaurín de la Torre (Malaga). Among the breeds they breed is the Tibetan Mastiff or Tibetan Mastiff, but also Bichon Maltese, Pomeranian, Dachshund or Chihuahua.

It is a kennel with more than 30 years of experience. His cubs are distinguished by their beauty, character and attachment to their family. Dogs are very balanced. Its breeding base is based on good genetics so that its specimens are beautiful and of good character. They themselves choose the families with whom their dogs will go. Their goal is to be proud of both the puppy and his new families. For this they do not skimp on the care and have a team of veterinarians, caregivers and experts in dogs.

Kart-Juba kennel: kennel located in Cañete de las Torres (Córdoba). She takes care of the Tibetan Mastiff and Gos Rater Valencia pups, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders.

Gossos de Sanadorli: Family kennel located in Benicarló, in the province of Castellón. Their production is low and they do not have litters every year. They want to be selected and quality crosses. They have spacious and comfortable facilities, with a large garden for exercising dogs.

The Tibetan Mastiff, the most expensive dog in the world

This is also a place for curiosities and here we tell you one of the most curious. A Tibetan Mastiff, Tibetan Mastiff or Do Khyi, no matter what you call it, became the most expensive dog in the world in 2014.

It was 2014 when a Tibetan Mastiff puppy was sold for $ 1.90 million. Yes, you read it right. $ 1.95 million someone paid for a Tibetan Mastiff, more or less, 1.70 million euros. This pedigree dog was purchased from a luxury pet fair in China.

A few years earlier, in 2011, Big Splash, a red-haired Tibetan Mastiff, won the title of most expensive dog in the world. A man from China bought it for $ 1.6 million. Luckily, if you want to buy a Tibetan Mastiff in Spain you have to pay much less.

Our adventure with this mystical breed began in 2012, when Leo, our Spanish Mastiff, passed away, who was our guardian for 13 years, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders. Looking for another member for our family and to protect us, we came across a photo on the internet of a Tibetan Doge, a breed that at that time I was completely unaware of, but a type of dog so imposing caught my attention, as if it were a lion himself.

Then a great interest in the Tibetan Mastiff breed arose, I began to inquire about it by informing myself through the internet, etc. Every description and image I saw made me want to live with one more. I discovered many varieties, some I liked, others not so much, until I found out that to have a good specimen, lion type; you had to obtain it from China, where they had the Tibetan Mastiff as a symbol of power and social status. After a few months of talking to breeders in China, dismissing offers and thinking hard, we decided where to buy our first pair of Tibetan Mastiff type lion kesong and aice.

So we started our trip to China, where we spent time visiting the farms, talking with their owners about the essential care of this breed, how to make the apartments so that they are resistant, etc.

Having everything ready, we returned to Spain with our first pair of lion-type Tibetan Mastiffs, being one of the first breeds of this type of dog to enter Spain and part of the world, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders. It is a very exclusive dog, only available to very few, which is why there is a shortage of good specimens around the world.

At present we have several breeding specimens with excellent characteristics, and many of our puppies are having magnificent results in the ring in Mexico, Argentina, etc.

Our center is not a commercial or profit-making kennel; it is contemplated to perfect this exclusive breed. We do not reproduce with our specimens outside our breeding center to avoid diseases. All our specimens are considered part of the family and we use the litters as a generational relay for our pets.

30 years ago, on one occasion I went to eat at a restaurant in the “Barrio Chino” of Mexico City; There was a Chinese magazine there (written in Chinese), which I started to leaf through and of course I didn't understand anything. I was struck by a photo of a couple of huge dogs, with large heads, very wide bones and great fur, one was black and tan and the other was red, they looked majestic and impressive. I was immediately amazed and in love with them, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders. I asked the waiter (who was of Chinese origin), what breed of dogs belonged to the specimens in the photo, Tibetan Mastiff replied. I asked him for information on the breed, but he replied that he did not know more.

For my "Great Fortune" there was a client, a Chinese person, who noticed my great interest in the breed, he approached my table, he told me that his uncle was a breeder of the Tibetan Mastiff in China. It was a long and entertaining talk. We became friends. Wang introduced and instructed me on what the Tibetan Mastiff is and means to the Chinese.

Wang showed me photos of many North American and European Tibetan Mastiffs, but none of them were as impressive as the Chinese. The question was logical, why are North American and European specimens so different from the Chinese? The answer was that the first North American and European breeders imported their specimens mainly from Nepal and India, while the Chinese hatcheries were settled in the region. With the current technology of communication networks, I have been able to verify that this answer is real.

Thus began my dream of becoming a Tibetan Mastiff, yes, it was a dream because at that time I was a university student and I would never have been able to acquire a Tibetan Mastiff of 100% Chinese blood, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders. Since then I have continued researching and learning more about this colossal race. 12 years ago I took on the task of getting to know North American, European and Chinese farms. I was always impressed by the original Chinese / Tibet specimens.

Until 2010, there was no Tibetan Mastiff registered with the Mexican Basophilic Federation (FCM), so I decided to import this breed to Mexico, with specimens of 100% Chinese blood.


Tara and Benny, our first couple imported to Mexico, were the first Tibetan Mastiffs to be registered with the FCM. We were the first to make this breed known in Mexico; Tara and Benny are the first Tibetan Mastiffs to appear at an official event organized by FCM, EXPOCAN. In addition, our specimens were requested by the FCM to be photographed and used as an example of what a Tibetan Mastiff is in an article that the FCM wrote about the breed, and that was published in the special issue of the magazine "PERROS PURA SANGRE" of the October 2012.

Also, the Veterinary School of the Universidad Del Valle de México asked our dogs to be photographed and have photos of this great breed on display, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders. We are the first to make a TIBETAN MASTIN CHAMPION. We are the first to produce a Tibetan Mastiff litter in Mexico.

In order to maintain and improve the quality of our specimens, we have imported specimens from renowned Chinese farms nationally and internationally.

Finally I want to publicly thank Liyan, owner of one of the best, most recognized, award-winning and respected Chinese breeders of Tibetan Mastiffs, a specialist judge in Tibetan Mastiffs, and an important member of the "China National Kennel Club", and to Wang, as well as a breeder of the 100% Chinese blood race, international promoter of the Tibetan Mastiff culture, with whom I have a great friendship and close collaboration so that we can be the best breeding ground in Mexico for Tibetan Mastiffs from China / tibetan mastiff puppy breeders.

The Tibetan Mastiff is a powerful, muscular dog with a sturdy bone structure. It is very large with a broad, massive head and a heavy, dense, medium-length coat. It makes an excellent livestock guardian; it is willing to fight fiercely against predators and intruders and is also an outstanding guard dog for the home.

In Tibet this dog was often tied up from two months of age to enhance aggressive tendencies. One dog was sometimes used to guard an entire village. It is very protective, territorial and very loyal to its own family.


The Dok-Khyi is dignified, even-tempered, calm and thoughtful. It is patient and loving with children but distrusts and is reserved with strangers. This breed makes an excellent watchdog and guard dog. It comes naturally to this dog to guard its family and their property. This breed is an outstanding sheepdog and is ferocious against wolves or leopards that try to approach its flock.

This dog is highly intelligent it was bred to take initiative. It is brave and fearless when properly socialized, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders. It is somewhat strong-willed and very determined, but with a desire to please. It is easy to housebreak. It must be thoroughly socialized and trained to become a fine family guard and companion.

Socialization at an early age is a must. It needs firm, consistent, but patient and gentle obedience training. Harsh, strong words and readiness to hit the dog will only cause it to ignore its handler even more. The objective in training this breed is to achieve a bond of mutual respect, which can only be accomplished by showing respect.

If you wish to add a second dog to the household, a mellow individual of the opposite sex, spayed or neutered, preferably of a non-dominant breed, is recommended. The few individuals that remain in Tibet are ferocious and aggressive, unpredictable in their behavior, and very difficult to train, but the dogs bred by the English are obedient and attached to their masters.

Bitches usually only have one heat per year, between October and December; in most other breeds, two heats are the rule, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders.

This breed comes to adulthood somewhat later than other breeds. This dog requires daily walks, but should not be over-exercised. Due to the breed’s size jogging is too hard on the joints. The Tibetan Mastiff has an average demand for exercise and will enjoy going with you for a walk in the woods, but it is not particularly enthusiastic about playing with a ball or anything like that. Be careful that the bones, muscles, and joints of the dog are not overworked during the growing stage by not overdoing the physical side of its life.


It is usually black, sometimes with gold or tan markings, chocolate, blue & tan, sable, gold, cream, or red, with or without tan markings. Some also have white markings.


Thick, dense, medium-length coat, it forms a heavy ruff around the neck. The coat should be brushed regularly. In the winter the coat has an abundance of very thick hair. It sheds only once a year during a four-week period in spring and / or summer, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders. During this time it should be brushed and combed for at least a half hour each day. This breed is good for allergy sufferers.

Health problems

Due to their size they are prone to hip dysplasia. To help prevent the chance of hip or elbow dysplasia developing make sure your dog is on a healthy, well-proportioned diet, and avoid excessive running and jumping while still a puppy as this can be hard on the developing joints. Skin conditions, thyroid problems and ear infections can occur and any signs must be reported to a vet. An unusual genetic problem called Canine Inherited Demyelinate Neuropathy (CIDN) is a rare issue. CIDN symptoms usually appear at 7-10 weeks; if a puppy has this condition, it will die before 4 months of age. There is no test currently known for the disease and carriers can only be identified through mating. To minimize the risk of your Tibetan Mastiff developing any hereditary health issues, you should buy a dog from a reputable Tibetan Mastiff breeder.

Health problems

Due to their size they are prone to hip dysplasia. To help prevent the chance of hip or elbow dysplasia developing make sure your dog is on a healthy, well-proportioned diet, and avoid excessive running and jumping while still a puppy as this can be hard on the developing joints, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders.

Skin conditions, thyroid problems and ear infections can occur and any signs must be reported to a vet. An unusual genetic problem called Canine Inherited Demyelinate Neuropathy (CIDN) is a rare issue. CIDN symptoms usually appear at 7-10 weeks; if a puppy has this condition, it will die before 4 months of age. There is no test currently known for the disease and carriers can only be identified through mating. To minimize the risk of your Tibetan Mastiff developing any hereditary health issues, you should buy a dog from a reputable Tibetan Mastiff breeder.

Life conditions

This breed is not recommended for apartment life. It is relatively inactive indoors and does best with at least a large fenced yard. It likes to climb and dig. The Tibetan Mastiff has a tendency to wander; a six-foot fence, with an undiggable surface below, is the minimum requirement for safe confinement, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders. Since it was bred to be a nocturnal barker, make sure you bring your dog indoors at night; in the house it is fairly quiet.

The red Tibetan mastiff, the best friend of the businessman

A Chinese coal industry mogul paid more than $ 1.95 million for the 11-year-old dog that weighs about 130 kilos.

A wealthy Chinese businessman recently paid 10 million Yuan ($ 1.95 million) for "Hong Dong," an 11-year-old red Tibetan Mastiff, which, according to experts, has made this breed one of the most aggressive and bulky, in the most expensive in the canine world.

The buyer, a tycoon of the Chinese coal industry, follows a practice very in vogue among the millionaires of the Asian country: businessmen like their mansions on the outskirts of cities to be guarded by these great Himalayan dogs, which can weigh up to 130 kilos.

"They are so expensive because they are a unique type in China and because thoroughbreds are very rare, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders. They are also highly valued for professing great loyalty to their masters," explains He Lin, a breeder of these animals on the outskirts of Beijing.

Visiting He's kennel, it would not seem at first glance that the transactions of these animals move millions of Yuan, since it is a simple rural house -in an area near a Chinese military barracks- and the cages of the dogs are They are distributed throughout the house, even in some of the bedrooms.

But the business, called "The House of the Best Mastiffs," is a continual back and forth of wealthy Chinese who are shown the best specimens while prices that would be prohibitive for an ordinary Chinese.

"Newborns only cost about 10,000 Yuan ($ 1,950), but adults can sell them for several million," He explains, showing the caged specimens, with their tawny black or red coats and their unfriendly face.

The caregiver explains that red-haired ones are more appreciated, and therefore more expensive, because their number is less, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders, but also because red is the color that symbolizes luck in Chinese culture.

This mastiff, called "do-khyi" by the Tibetans and "zing au" ("fierce Tibetan") by the Chinese, separated from the wolf almost 60,000 years ago and began to be used on the Roof of the World to care for livestock and keep monasteries, temples and dwellings.

Marco Polo has already met this type of dog, which in his famous "Book of Wonders" he describes as "tall as donkeys and with a voice as powerful as that of a lion".

This race was known for centuries in the West, and in fact some of them ran around the courts of the kings of England (George IV, Victoria) or that of the great Mongol leader Genghis Khan.

One of its great current promoters in China is the famous Chinese sports coach Ma Junren, mentor of Olympic and world champions in the 90s and who currently directs an association of breeders of this mastiff in the country, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders.

According to Him, the Tibetan Mastiff is the most ferocious dog in the world, but it is an animal that is affectionate with children and small dogs.

Due to its origins, it is able to withstand very low temperatures and high altitudes, and is known for its good health.

One of the problems with the breeding of this animal in China is that national laws are very strict with the keeping of large dogs in cities, so in the urban part of Beijing, for example, it is practically impossible to breed them.

For this reason, most of the farms, which are proliferating as the breed becomes more and more expensive, are located in rural areas near metropolises such as Beijing or Shanghai, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders.

The Chinese press has reported in recent months some news of people attacked by Tibetan mastiffs, but according to breeder He, this is incorrect news, since these dogs are "easy to breed, precisely because of their large size."

The traditional belief among Tibetans, in fact, ensures that having a Tibetan Mastiff, a sacred animal for them, guarantees the master health and prosperity, an idea that has also spread among the nascent Chinese elites.

Tibetan Mastiff Breeder

Tibetan Mastiff dogs are heavy and large dogs. These dogs originated from Tibet and then later introduced to western countries.

They are dogs that have short fur on their heads with a thick coat of hair on their bodies. It's what actually makes them survive the cold seasons of Tibet, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders.

Most people would choose to have this breed because they are large which are what Westerners like the most.

If you live in the United States or in different parts of the world you still want to have a Tibetan Mastiff dog, you need to find a breeder. Read how to find a Tibetan Mastiff breeder.

The first thing to do about finding a Tibetan Mastiff breeder is to contact your local kennel. Most localities have a Tibetan Mastiff association where dogs of this type are bred. These are the official breeders for this type of dog.

That way, you can be sure that your dog is 100% bred from a Tibetan Mastiff.

A tip on how to find a Tibetan Mastiff breeder is online, and you can also find more information about the Tibetan Mastiff on this website.

If the breeder you found tells you that they don't have a puppy available at the moment, then you can ask if he can take you to other breeders.

They might have some friends or a company that also breeds such dogs. If you have found a good breeder, he will never insult other fellow breeders, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders. Actually he will recommend you to the best place he knows second to his place.

Ask the breeder what Tibetan Mastiffs look like. You can inquire about how to take care of them and all the things that you would like to know. This is your chance to ask these questions before bringing your dog home. The breeder will have enough knowledge about this if he really has an experience with these dogs.

If you've found a place that has the puppies you're looking for, kindly ask if you can see their kennel. See if they are living in a good environment. If they are, you are sure the puppy is healthy. Some places do not have adequate facilities for dogs.

If you are ready to take the dog home, the breeder may ask you for certain information and questions about your family and his home. This only shows that they are concerned for the well-being of the dog. No good breeder would leave his dogs to a home that would not be properly cared for.

Those are the steps on how to find a Tibetan Mastiff breeder. Now you can start looking for one instead to adopt a puppy, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders.

Tibetan Mastiff, the most expensive dog in the world

Human beings are not divided into rich or poor, men or women, good or bad, smart or foolish; the truth is that we are divided between those who love dogs and those who love cats, with a few exceptions of those who either do not like any type of pet or those who are worth anything. In this case the matter is about dogs, more specifically about valuable dogs and looking for, we have found the most valued, expensive and fashionable breed of dog in the world: the Tibetan Mastiff.

The Tibetan Mastiff or Tibetan Mastiff is a very ancient breed of dog from which it is assumed that most of the large breeds, in addition to all mastiffs, descend. Its existence is dated around 8,000 BC, it is originally from the Himalayas and throughout history there are myths and legends about these dogs throughout Asia, from India to China and it appears in Western writings of characters such as Aristotle or Marco Polo. It is assumed that in ancient times it was used as a war dog by the Assyrians, who used them for attack and for the custody of prisoners, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders. They did not reach the West until the 19th century and in fact, in Germany they exhibited it at the Berlin Zoo.

Due to its two most striking characteristics, its coat and its size, it is said that the Tibetan Mastiff is the result of a cross between a dog and a lion, and like the lion, it is considered a noble and great animal. His power and strength, both physical and mental, are legendary. They are work animals, highly valued for herding due to their adaptation to mountain climates and, above all, they are considered the best guardians for their fierceness and fidelity, which is why they have always been guardians in monasteries and palaces.

They are huge dogs, with impressive fur that have become fashionable among Chinese millionaires, a couple of years ago, a businessman in the real estate sector paid almost 2 million dollars for a copy of 90 kilos of weight, called Hong Dong, at a dog fair in Zhejiang and since then prices have skyrocketed resulting in a rising market for pedigree Tibetan Mastiffs in China, especially the red-haired ones, which are regarded as lucky animals.

Having a Tibetan Mastiff is considered a symbol of status and wealth in China, so its price has skyrocketed, of course, as long as its genealogical line is documented, tibetan mastiff puppy breeders. If you do not care about the pedigree, the price of Tibetan Mastiffs is much more affordable and is between 1000 and 1500 euros. Of course, being an expensive and rare breed, you will not find them in an animal shelter; the only way to acquire a puppy is through direct contact with a breeder.

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Tibetan mastiff puppy size

Tibetan mastiff puppy size by Month: Weight and Height The Tibetan Mastiff, also called a Tibetan Mastiff, is an amazing and very unusual d...