Thursday, April 22, 2021

Tibetan mastiff puppy white

Tibetan mastiff puppy white - centuries of legend and mystery accompany this ancestral breed that today enjoys great popularity and is synonymous with status among the wealthiest social classes, coming to be considered the most expensive dog in the world.

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Its impeccable trajectory makes the Tibetan Mastiff or Tibetan Mastiff, as it is also known, a unique breed, not only because of its antiquity but also because of its particular characteristics and its natural propensity to take care of the family where it develops. Due to its territorial nature, it especially takes great care of children.

It is, as well as a guardian, a herding dog, ideal for all types of livestock thanks to its extraordinary size.

It is necessary to know this breed very well from its origins, type of character and care it needs, before deciding to obtain one of these specimens; Well, the Tibetan Mastiff is a special dog, very strong, but it requires specific care, as well as suitable climatic conditions so that its coat looks healthy and silky, this being one of the greatest attractions of this breed, apart from its size. Its nature evokes its presence in the great moments of the development of the Asian Continent, which greatly influenced culture, even in the West, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

History and Origin of the Tibetan Mastiff

References to the existence of the Tibetan Mastiff date back to 2,000 years before Christ. There are paintings and bas-reliefs that give an account of this magnificent animal, used as a war dog and guardian of prisoners of war of the Assyrians; it was mentioned in the Chronicles of Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, in 384-322 BC. Later, he is admired by Marco Polo, which is reflected in his writings that narrate his trip to Asia in 1271, being a notorious story, the raids on the battlefield of this animal, accompanying the armies of Genghis Khan, of whom he says he owned 30,000 copies, one for each soldier.

Their millennial origin places them as shepherds alongside the ancient inhabitants of the Himalayas and as eternal guardians of Buddhist monasteries, which adds an aura of mysticism that makes them even more attractive and therefore coveted. Owning a Tibetan Mastiff is synonymous with ancestral knowledge of the origins of this dog of such special and varied qualities, which has adapted very well, according to the needs of the people of the Asian Continent, in its process of evolution through the centuries. 

The British occupation of India, allowed the West to get to know more closely these millennial canine specimens, when one was sent to Queen Victoria in 1847, tibetan mastiff puppy white. The royal house was attracted by the Tibetan Mastiff, thanks to its origin that is goes back to very remote times, accompanying the great representatives of the history of mankind and by 1898, he was already aware of several of these peculiar dogs, including the first birth of a cub in the Berlin zoo, Germany. In England, they were destined for presentations in circus functions, where they were a special attraction, looking like gigantic lions, being dogs.

At present, China conforms to international standards on the purity distinction of the Tibetan Mastiff and already has recognized breeding sites, where the genetic links of this ancient and mythical breed are maintained. However, in the remote pastoral areas of Tibet, it is common to find the Tibetan Mastiff, also known as the Tibetan Mastiff, accompanying the children, children of the shepherds, as they run around with them in the field and take care of the herds.

For the West, as in China, owning a dog of this breed is equivalent to wearing an expensive luxury item, since the price of these incomparable specimens has reached 1.6 million Euros, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

Physical characteristics of the Tibetan Mastiff dog

It is a very large dog, weighing between 85 and 100 kilos; its height can reach more than one meter. With a broad chest and large, thick legs, it has defined musculature to support its weight and height. Its head stands out from the body for its size; the eyes are deep-set and dark in color.

Due to its origin in the mountains of Tibet, it has two layers of abundant and long fur that makes it resemble a lion; the muzzle is black and round, with hanging cheeks leaving enough space in the gums, where large fangs are appreciated that give it a strong biting capacity.

The tail curls forward and rests on its hindquarters.

The color of its coat varies between black with yellow details on the eyebrows, chest and legs; white, red, gray, yellow in various shades and there are two colors, mixed from the natural variety, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

Its midriff is longer than in other breeds because its body is equally longer than it is tall; the internal chamber distends when it barks and with the passage of air, it provides a sound like thunder, resembling the roar of a lion, which adds a fierceness that it does not really have in its character.

In general terms, the Tibetan Mastiff is a strong and healthy dog, but due to its size and weight, it tends to suffer from the joints and the wear of its bones is faster than that of other breeds; For this reason, a good space must be provided so that he can move and run comfortably; It is also recommended not to subject it to strenuous activities in which you have to use a lot of force.

In its physical structure, it has not evolved through the centuries, making this a truly pure dog since its origins.

As for its abundant coat, it sheds the undercoat twice a year, causing its appearance to vary; to achieve a healthy appearance on your skin, you must brush frequently and in a dedicated way, taking special care of every part of your body, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

Other varieties of this species:

Neapolitan mastiff

Leon’s mastiff

Cane Corso

Character and personality of the Tibetan Mastiff dog

As it has not suffered morphological changes in its body structure, its character has not changed either, despite having been a war dog, where only its size and powerful bark instilled terror in the opposing armies; The nature of the Tibetan Mastiff is herding and in view of this quality, it is a pack dog, which considers those who are constantly in its environment as parts of its own.

This makes this breed an ideal dog for taking care of children, property and herds. His character is docile and affectionate, but he can turn fierce in the presence of strangers, especially if he feels or perceives a threat to his pack, tibetan mastiff puppy white. For this reason, it is recommended to discipline it from a young age and if it is to be kept at home, visitors should be warned so that they do not make sudden movements in the presence of the dog in order to prevent the situation from getting out of control.

If the Tibetan Mastiff is found in the mountains, developing according to its nature as a shepherd, it will be seen running around at ease, taking care of all kinds of livestock and children without being disturbed by the lack of space.

If you are going to have a Tibetan Mastiff in the city, you must give it enough space inside the house and in any case, accustom it to long walks, where it can walk and run without problems; But you must train yourself to cope with the constant changes in cities, where the noise of cars or the lack of foresight of those who cross your path can be threatening.

Due to its territorial nature, the Tibetan Mastiff is usually a jealous dog with its territory and does not allow incursions of any kind, which makes it an excellent guardian, but this carries a great responsibility for the owners, who must keep the dog isolated from the external area, with ram-resistant fences, in case a nearby presence makes you feel uncomfortable, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

In general terms, despite its large size and intimidating appearance, it is a docile and affectionate dog that does not represent any danger to its owners; likewise, he can live with other animals and smaller breeds of dogs if he gets used to it since he is a puppy.

The Tibetan Mastiff is considered a very intelligent dog, capable of understanding and reacting favorably to different situations if properly trained and treated with affection.

Tibetan Mastiff Puppies

In this breed there is a limitation in relation to the offspring, since the female only goes into heat once a year, having medium litters, that is, from five to ten puppies per litter, they are large and abundant fur, presenting the particularity of natural birth control in these huge dogs, which would represent a serious problem for their places of origin, if they were reproduced with the frequency of other breeds, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

Depending on the care given to the puppies, unusually large pups can be produced, reaching a meter in height before reaching the first year of age.

They reach maturity at four years of age, during which time, despite their size, abundant fur and a deep and intimidating bark; in their character they remain playful and affectionate puppies, which must be disciplined very early to avoid disorders. 

Food and health of the Tibetan Mastiff dog

A dog of great size, strength and energy like the Tibetan Mastiff, requires a diet rich in protein that keeps its muscles in good condition and favors its abundant coat.

The Tibetan bulldogs grow very quickly and this peculiarity means that their joints and bone composition can be affected more frequently than other breeds of dogs; It is for this reason that a shark cartilage dietary supplement, whose properties to benefit the joints, are widely known, should be incorporated into your diet, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

If you want to get a puppy of this breed, you must be aware of the cost of its diet, which it usually ingests in large quantities, according to its structure and size, which inevitably determine its appetite.

It is recommended that the veterinarian is consulted about what is the best food for him, as well as the supplements that he may require to prevent his joint or bone problems.

Tibetan Mastiff dog care

Given the particularities of size, nature and character of the Tibetan Mastiff, special care must be given to it, not only for its physical appearance, but also for its emotional aspect.

As for the physical part, attending to their diet in an adequate way will allow their coat to look healthy and that its growth is not affected by joint conditions; Providing enough space and long walks will contribute to good blood circulation, tibetan mastiff puppy white. Taking care of the grooming, brushing its main two or three times a day and taking care of the hygiene of its mouth, will have a healthy specimen.

Regarding the emotional aspect, you should take advantage of their sweet and affectionate character so that they get used to interacting in the different scenarios offered by urban centers, full of noise and people, to which they must get used without suffering any disturbance that could cause situations dangerous, because you cannot control it if it is disturbed in an unusual way.

It must be taught from a puppy to obey orders, which must be given in an energetic way, so that it learns who is in control of the situation.

Once these objectives are achieved, you will be in possession of a docile dog that will not represent major problems.

Education and training of the Tibetan Mastiff

Owning a puppy of this breed requires a high sense of responsibility; that is why it is recommended that training begin from the first three months of life, which is the time when it begins to form its definitive character.

The first thing to do is get the puppy used to sharing and interacting with various people and different animals; For him to identify different places on his walks and give him the opportunity to satisfy his natural curiosity, teaching him little by little to maintain an appropriate behavior; that is, to correct him firmly if he becomes aggressive or if he does not obey an instruction such as lie down or stay still, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

As it grows and develops, more complex instructions are incorporated, such as following the master, stopping, waiting for the advance to be authorized and all the instructions that make up a training that allows having a perfectly controlled adult Tibetan Mastiff, without fear of any eventuality occurring, as this breed is extremely intelligent and therefore capable of understanding the different situations that arise, being able to react in a timely, precise and adequate manner, if it has good training.

If the aspiring Tibetan Mastiff owner does not feel prepared or does not have any experience in handling dogs, he should enlist the services of a canine trainer.


Ancestral, millenary and mythical, the Tibetan Mastiff or Tibetan Mastiff, is a fabulous canine specimen, framed in the category of the most coveted colossi in Central Asia and with renewed popularity in the West, by becoming one of the breeds that are synonymous with power and social status.

In ancient times it was considered the ideal complement to the war machine, by virtue of its great size and intelligence to learn to use its strength in the art of war, where only its appearance, already generated terror in the enemy armies, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

However, his true nature is herding and caring for those he considers to be members of his pack; its territorial and docile character make it ideal for the care of herds and children; Today, it continues to be the playmate of the children of the mountains of Tibet and still enjoys the preference and sympathy of Tibetan monks, who since ancient times have used them as guardians of their temples and monasteries.

The Tibetan Mastiff is part of the oldest art and mentions filled with admiration by philosophers and great warriors of antiquity, making it the protagonist of innumerable military feats, as well as its unique characteristics in terms of its size and the appearance of a lion, who has contributed to its mythical lineage.

Great Britain introduces it to the West, where the admiration caused by the specimens given to royalty and were exhibited in circuses and zoos throughout Europe was swift.

Currently, they have recovered their exclusive status, since Chinese breeders have been guided by the world canine federations, managing to define their physical and character characteristics that denote their purity, getting to verify that it has not suffered any variation in its structure genetics, despite the passage of time, tibetan mastiff puppy white. This may be due to the fact that its place of origin in the mountains of Tibet did not allow crossing with other breeds that would distort its particular characteristics, making this a dog of guaranteed purity, which contributes to its high price.

Although they can be obtained in Europe and possibly in several countries worldwide, they are not very common and there are really few specimens that can be observed.

The Tibetan Mastiff is a colossal dog, in the category of canine giants it is the most affectionate and docile, but it requires great responsibility when acquiring it, because raising it without control and discipline could represent a great danger to the community. 

It is a friendly, sociable and beautiful dog. One of the most faithful in terms of dog breeds. According to its characteristics, the main one that stands out in the Tibetan Mastiff is its color, which range from black, red, white, gold or blonde; in addition there are also dogs that have two colors presenting an abundant and smooth coat that must be brush to keep it in good condition.

The origin of the Tibetan Mastiff dates back to an ancient breed that was used for work in the Himalayas, whose main occupation was being shepherds and these dogs kept wild animals away from the flock they cared for while offering custody and protection the pastors, tibetan mastiff puppy white.


The Tibetan Mastiff or Tibetan Mastiff is a very healthy, calm and very affectionate dog despite its great appearance and exceptional size, so you should not be scared, although despite this, when they get angry, which happens very rarely , it becomes very fierce.

Due to its characteristics, the Tibetan Mastiff is robust and has a good capacity to adapt to different spaces and environments, although logically its health must be controlled and it must be periodically taken to the vet to rule out any condition that may affect its health.

In addition, the Tibetan Mastiff must walk a lot due to its great weight and size, to prevent it from becoming too fat and can get tired, affecting its health, since due to its origin as a herding dog, it is an animal that needs a lot of physical activity.

Food should also play a leading role if we have a Tibetan Mastiff, since it must be very rich in proteins that can supply their body so that they feel full and satiated. Can you imagine feeding one of them?


The race of the Tibetan Mastiff or Tibetan Mastiff has its origin in 8 thousand BC, which was used to help the shepherds of the Himalayas, to take care of their flocks, in addition to protecting their lives, so it was a working dog or so was considered, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

Above all because of its characteristics, which are very visible in the physical part, which makes it a strong dog to carry out jobs that required an animal of great magnitude, apart from that they were beautiful and with a mysticism and realism typical of gods .

Despite needing special care, the Tibetan Mastiff was also used by other cultures as a weapon against their enemies and to guard the prisoners, so that they did not flee. Can you imagine yourself at that time? The shock that such a large animal could give.

It may also be that their price was not very high in those times, since they were used for jobs and wars, but today that has gone down in history and they are the most expensive dogs today.


Among the main Characteristics of the Tibetan Mastiff or Tibetan Mastiff, you can find the following:

He is very healthy, and quite active, so he must be constantly on the go, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

It adapts to any environment, but preferably it should be in open spaces, where it can run freely. In a flat or apartment you cannot have a breed of this type. Do you already know the reason? It is true, its large size.

He is not prone to getting sick, but you have to take him periodically to the vet and be aware of giving him his vaccines and deworming him, every time he touches him, to avoid setbacks.

Walk them daily to prevent them from becoming overweight and becoming overweight.

Brush and straighten its coat quite often, at least 4 times a week, to avoid knots and always take good care of it.

Give him lots of protein when feeding him.

The Tibetan Mastiff dogs come in different colors, ranging from black to white and they are dogs with a very abundant and thick coat, a bit unruly to comb. This hair ends in a large tail that is usually folded upwards, as a clear response of haughtiness and lordship.


Among the many care of the Tibetan Mastiff or Tibetan Mastiff, we can mention the following, which are the most essential and easy to follow:

You must have a large living space, it can be in a large house with a huge garden or patio where they can walk, walk or run freely, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

It is strong-willed, and must have an owner who is a leader and can handle it. If you get carried away, it is better not to have a breed of these as it can have consequences, such as wanting to do what they want, and because of their large size they always achieve it.

He is very protective and they get used to his family quickly, always walking next to his owner. Isn't it cute?

Their character comes from the fact that since their origin, they have been protectors and caretakers at the same time of herds and people in their charge, feeling like heads and owners of all. They have a strong personality.

The fur is the most striking thing and it is what you have to take care of most of the time.


A millionaire character paid a large amount of money for a Tibetan Mastiff or Tibetan Mastiff, which makes it the most expensive breed in the history of the dog, thanks to it and its large size that has become famous and has turned around to the world.

Rich, kings, emperors and celebrities have been called by this breed since its origin, among which we can mention Queen Victoria, George IV and Genghis Khan who say that he had an army of these animals, as main soldiers who followed him.

The price of Tibetan Mastiff puppies in England is between 850 and 1000 pounds sterling, which is the currency of this country, being a high price for this beautiful breed of dog, becoming fashionable among great people who can indulge in buying it, for its status of being very expensive, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

In Spain the price of a Tibetan Mastiff is around 1000 euros.

Despite the care that must be taken, the Tibetan Mastiff is a highly valued animal for its imposing size and presence, drawing attention wherever it is or in between, and also for its regal nature, which makes it adapt to many situations and environments. 

Origins of the Tibetan Mastiff

White Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff or Tibetan Mastiff is a breed of dog originally from Tibet.

If you plan to adopt a Tibetan Mastiff, and include it in your family, it will be essential to inform yourself exhaustively about the character, characteristics and care that this breed requires.

The Tibetan Mastiff, also known as Do-Kyiv, is one of the oldest eastern breeds in existence. It is known to be a working breed of the ancient nomadic herders of the Himalayas as well as a protection dog of the Tibetan monasteries.

When Tibet was invaded by China, these mastiffs practically disappeared. Fortunately for this breed, many of these huge dogs ended up in India and Nepal, from where the breed was repopulated, tibetan mastiff puppy white. With the export of Tibetan Mastiffs to England and the United States, the breed gained popularity.

The Tibetan Mastiff is believed to be the ancestor of all breeds of mastiffs and Tall Mountain dogs, although there is no evidence to confirm this. Their bark is undoubtedly unique and is considered a highly valued characteristic of the breed.

This ancient and incredible dog is mentioned for the first time in the history of Aristotle (384 - 322 BC), however the real origin of the breeding of the breed is unknown. He is also mentioned by Marco Polo, who praises a dog of great strength and size.

Much later, already in the 19th century, Queen Victoria of England received one of the first Tibetan Mastiffs in Europe. Years later, more precisely in 1898, the first litter of European Tibetan Mastiffs was registered in Berlin, specifically in the Berlin Zoo.

Physical characteristics of the Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff or Tibetan Mastiff stands out for being a strong and powerful dog, of giant size, very robust and imposing, tibetan mastiff puppy white. In the breed standard they describe it as a solemn and serious looking dog, of majestic strength.

The head of this mastiff is quite broad, heavy and strong, with a slightly rounded skull. The occipital protuberance is very pronounced and the nasal-frontal depression well defined. The color of the nose depends on the color of the hair, but it should be as dark as possible.

The muzzle is wide. The eyes are medium, brown and oval. The ears, set medium, are triangular, medium and hanging.

The body is robust, strong and slightly longer than tall. The back is straight and muscular, while the chest is very deep and moderately broad. The tail is of medium length and set high. When the dog is active it is loosely curled on its back.

The coat of the Tibetan Bulldog is made up of two layers. The outer coat is rough, thick and of not very long hair. The undercoat is dense and woolly in cold weather, but becomes a thin coat during hot weather.

The hair can be black with or without tan markings, blue with or without tan markings, saber or gold. A white star on the chest and minimal white markings on the feet are acceptable, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

The minimum size of the females is 61 centimeters at the withers, while the males have a minimum of 66 centimeters at the withers. There is no height limit.

Character of the Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is a dog with a very independent character, but loyal and protective of the family to which it belongs. Although he is not a dog that is attached, he enjoys the presence of his family, whom he will not hesitate to protect.

On the contrary, he is usually suspicious of strangers. He usually gets along well with other dogs and animals, especially with dogs of the same size, although this behavior is closely related to the socialization he received as a child.

It is usually docile and friendly with children, but as it is a large and strong dog it can hurt unintentionally, so it is recommended to always supervise the play sessions between children and the dog, as well as offering a toy that is the « intermediary »in your relationship and moments of fun.

At home it is a calm dog, however outside the home it requires sessions of moderate activity, to keep its muscles in shape and relieve day-to-day stress, tibetan mastiff puppy white. Through long walks, you should do physical activity, something very necessary for our Tibetan Mastiff.

An important fact to keep in mind is that these dogs tend to bark a lot because of their past as guard dogs, as well as destructive when they are alone, they can suffer from anxiety or even behavior problems.

Something to seriously recommend is that it is not an appropriate breed for inexperienced owners, it is recommended for people with advanced knowledge of dog training, animal welfare and keeping large dogs.

Tibetan Mastiff care

The Tibetan Mastiff requires regular grooming of its coat, which should be brushed three times a week. In times of coat change, daily brushing is recommended to avoid observing the "lumpy" coat and in poor condition. It should be bathed in a period of between two and four months, approximately.

Although they can reside in an apartment, it is highly recommended that you live in a large house, with a garden or patio, to which you can have access whenever you want. However, if you live in an apartment or large house, daily walks are highly recommended.

This breed adapts perfectly to any type of climate, whether cold or temperate, although it does not usually show itself at ease in especially humid and warm places, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

We must bear in mind that this breed, mainly because of its size, will also demand large objects: a bed, feeder or toys, which tend to have a higher economic cost than other dogs. Also the daily food of the dog is an extra to take into account.

Tibetan Mastiff Education

It will be essential to work early on the puppy's socialization and bite inhibition, as well as basic obedience exercises. Let us also remember that the puppy will quickly reach a considerable size, so we must avoid reinforcing behaviors that we do not want in their adulthood, such as getting on people, for example.

Once the dog understands the basic commands, we can start canine skills or other exercises that stimulate him, it is essential to review obedience daily or weekly, thus ensuring his safety and that of the environment.

Faced with any abnormal behavior or behavior problem, we should go to a specialist as soon as possible and never try to perform therapies on our own, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

Tibetan Mastiff Health

Unlike other breeds, the Tibetan Mastiff is not prone to health illnesses, as it is generally a fairly healthy breed. Even so, the most common diseases of the Tibetan Mastiff are:

Hip dysplasia



Neurological problems

Also in this section we must highlight a characteristic that suggests that this breed is very primitive: females only have one heat per year, unlike most breeds of dogs.

To ensure the good health of the Tibetan Mastiff, the vaccination schedule, the deworming routine, and visit the veterinarian with the regularity required by our dog should be followed, although it is normally around 6 and 12 months. Following these tips, the life expectancy of the Tibetan Mastiff is between 11 and 14 years.

The Tibetan Mastiff makes an excellent watchdog. He is very protective of the members of his social group, although he does not usually show signs of attachment. He is also territorial, and can be aggressive if he perceives any danger, tibetan mastiff puppy white. Strong and independent, he is not a pet for everyone. It is not recommended that you live with children or the elderly. His imposing appearance makes him an unusual dog, but you have to get to know him well before a possible adoption.

Tibetan Mastiff coat colors

The mantle of the Tibetan bulldog can be:

Intense black, may have tan spots

Blue, with or without burnt spots

Gold: from intense tawny to deep red

A small white spot on the chest is tolerated, as well as spots on the legs.


Coat types

Her hair is long.

The hair is fine, hard, straight, and thicker in males than in females. It has a thick and woolly undercoat to protect itself from the cold. Your hair should not be silky, wavy, or curly. On the neck and shoulders it forms a full mane.


Tibetan Mastiff eye colors

Their eyes are brown and, although they can be of various shades, they are preferred as dark as possible.

Physical characteristics of the Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is a vigorous dog with strong bones. Its head is large, and the muzzle is mastiff type, although lighter, tibetan mastiff puppy white. The eyes are medium. The ears, drooping, are medium and heart-shaped. Their limbs are straight and strong. The tail is imposing, set high and curled on the back, with abundant hair.




Despite the fact that he is attached to his own, the Tibetan Mastiff has an independent character, and shows little of his feelings.



His aloofness doesn't make him the best playmate, although you will enjoy play sessions with his master.

Do not worry


Although this molasses does not reach maturity until he is 3 or 4 years old, he is quite calm and can react badly if an external element comes to disturb his calm.



His intelligence is notorious in his ability to observe, analyze and protect his people, although his stubbornness makes him difficult to educate, tibetan mastiff puppy white.



The Tibetan Mastiff is a guard dog, with no hunting instinct.

Fearful / distrustful of strangers


This dog is extremely suspicious of strangers, and can become aggressive. Early socialization with people and other animals will prevent him from being aggressive and biting.



This Tibetan dog is much attached to his group and his territory even if he does not show it. However, it is necessary to respect his independent character and not expect from him a behavior that he cannot show.

Behavior of the Tibetan Mastiff

Tolerance of loneliness


This dog appreciates the tranquility, and above all to take on the task of protecting the home. Therefore he can stay alone for hours without any problem, tibetan mastiff puppy white. His favorite task is to stand guard at strategic surveillance locations.

Easy to train / compliant


It is not easy to educate a Tibetan Mastiff due to his stubborn nature. However, a constant, firm and consistent education will help shape his behavior (without expecting miracles).

You cannot expect to exercise a dominating relationship with him, much less treat him with violence, as that will only increase his aggressiveness.

His strong character must be softened from puppyhood through positive socialization with people and animals.



His barks are more like a lion's roar, and he will use them to ward off any intruders.

Tendency to run away


The Tibetan Mastiff has a very marked sense of territory, which is why he is not prone to leaving his home.

Tendency to break things


Calm and with a taste for solitude, he is not a destructive dog at all.



Although he will not say no to a bone or a treat, he can also skip a meal simply because he is not hungry, tibetan mastiff puppy white. This is due to his past as a nomadic dog, which led him to adapt to every situation.

Guard dog


It is a very brave and reckless animal. His qualities make him an excellent choice if you are looking for a guard dog.

First dog


The physical strength and behaviors of this bulldog are not easy for inexperienced people to handle. Indeed, it would even be dangerous to put it into inexperienced hands.


The Tibetan Mastiff in an apartment


The large size of this pet, as well as its guardian instinct, does not allow it to live in an apartment. However, you can adjust to city life by having a garden and going out for walks several times a day.

Of course, the ideal environment for this dog is a country house, since he prefers to sleep outside, surrounded by nature, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

Needs exercise / athlete


Although he is not an athlete, this mastiff needs daily walks to keep fit.

Due to its weight and size, it is not recommended that you practice very intense activities.

Travel / ease of transportation


Their distrust of strangers, their instinct for protection and their large size are not compatible with travel, especially if it involves being in contact with other people.


Tibetan Mastiff and Cats


If this mountain dog has grown up with a cat, you will be able to consider it as part of your group.

Tibetan Mastiff and dogs


It is a solitary dog, although it can live with other dogs in the household if they have grown up together.

To facilitate coexistence, it will be necessary to expose it to other dogs from puppyhood.

The Tibetan Mastiff and children


Of an unpredictable nature, this dog is not advised to live with young children, although cohabitation is possible if strict rules are established, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

Tibetan Mastiff and the elderly


People of advanced age or frail health should not adopt a Tibetan Mastiff, as its strength and character can be a big problem.

Tibetan Mastiff Price

The price of a Tibetan Mastiff varies depending on its origins, age and sex. A pedigree specimen, depending on its origins, can reach up to $ 120,000

The monthly budget for her support is estimated at $ 1,200 per month, including food and care.


Despite having a thick coat, it only requires a weekly brushing to maintain its shine and properties.

Hair loss

This Tibetan dog sheds its coat twice a year; then it is recommended to go to a daily brushing.

Tibetan Mastiff diet

This Tibetan dog can eat premium quality food, raw or homemade food. Your veterinarian will be able to determine which type of diet is the most appropriate based on your needs.

He may sometimes refuse to eat, without this being a red flag, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

Tibetan Mastiff Health

Life expectancy of the Tibetan Mastiff

Their life expectancy is 11 years on average.

Resistant / Robust


In general, it is a strong and healthy dog, although it does not live for many years.

Heat tolerance


Its impressive coat makes it very tolerant of heat. In summer it is recommended that you spend more time indoors and take your walks in the morning and at night.

Cold tolerance


Its double coat provides excellent protection against cold and humidity. This is why this mastiff prefers to sleep outside, even during winter.

Tendency to gain weight


Since it is not a very sporty dog, it is necessary to ration its food so that it does not gain weight, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

Common diseases


Eye abnormalities

Hip dysplasia


Good to know...

This breed is less and less common, even in its native country, and may be partly due to the effort that goes into keeping a dog this large. Most of the breed's kennels are currently in England.

History and origins

The Tibetan Mastiff, also known as Do-Kyiv or Tibetan Mastiff, is a very ancient breed that worked with the nomadic herders of the Himalayas, and also a guard dog in Tibetan monasteries. Practically the same for centuries, it is the descendant of the ancient Tibetan Mastiff, which gave rise to today's mastiffs, colossi and molossians. Before its size was much greater, and it was described by Marco Polo as follows: "Big as an ass and with a powerful voice like that of a lion."


Leona, Bear or Thor is perfect names for this type of dog thanks to the temperament and characteristics that the Tibetan Mastiff boasts, tibetan mastiff puppy white.

Find more name ideas for your dog here

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