Friday, April 30, 2021

Tibetan mastiff puppy size

Tibetan mastiff puppy size by Month: Weight and Height

Tibetan mastiff puppy size

Tibetan mastiff puppy size black

Tibetan mastiff puppy size breed

Tibetan mastiff puppy size cute angry

Tibetan mastiff puppy size dog

Tibetan mastiff puppy size male

Tibetan mastiff puppy size female

Tibetan mastiff puppy size big

The Tibetan Mastiff, also called a Tibetan Mastiff, is an amazing and very unusual dog. Tall stature, strong bones, thick hair, and a scowled gaze give the animal a formidable and unapproachable appearance. The breed was bred in Tibet to protect the homes of local residents and livestock, and to this day, "Tibetans" gladly serve people as bodyguards and companions. However, this dog is not suitable for everyone, mainly due to its strength and size.

To what size can the mastiff fade? What factors influence its growth and development? Read about this and many other things in our article.

Description of the breed

Getting started is a bit of getting acquainted with this interesting bear-shaped dog. Tibetans are, by their very nature, independent. Like many other breeds whose purpose was herding and protecting livestock, these dogs can make independent decisions depending on the situation. It is not that mastiffs are disobedient dogs; however they are very sorry if a person does not have self-confidence and can quickly take a leadership position, tibetan mastiff puppy size. That is why the puppy must be instilled in childhood a sense of respect for the head of the family and its members.

The guard qualities of the "Tibetans" are first class. Any unknown person, who appeared in the dog's field of vision, is under immediate supervision. Due to this characteristic, only a physically strong person can walk with a "Tibetan", keeping the dogs on a short leash, with the obligation to wear a muzzle.

A loud sound, a sharp gesture, a quick movement - all this can provoke aggression in this great dog. That is why it is very important to instill obedience and discipline in the Tibetan from an early age.

Now let's talk about the appearance of the Tibetan Mastiff. Other parameters:

Broad and broad head, muscular neck;

Scissor or straight bite, massive snout, large nose with dark lobe;

The body is large, powerful, and muscular, the back is straight, and the chest is broad;

Thick coat, long hair, thick to the touch;

Large dark brown eyes;

The ears are in the shape of a triangle, small in size, drooping;

High set of bushy tail;

The standard colors of the breed are as follows, tibetan mastiff puppy size.

Black The main shade of the coat, small yellowish spots is acceptable.

Tan The dog itself is black, but there are symmetrical reddish-brown spots - burn marks that have clear boundaries and are located in certain places.

This refers to a variety of shades: gold, red, sand.

In each of the above colors, a narrow, white "shirt front" is allowed on the chest.

What influences development?

If you decide to buy a Tibetan Mastiff puppy, you should clearly understand that such a dog can only live in a country house. In an apartment, even the most spacious; "Tibetan" will be uncomfortable. Walking the animal in urban settings will also be difficult due to the large number of "irritants": car thieves, stray animals, crying children, cyclists, etc.

As a general rule, such dogs as the Tibetan Mastiff are not bought spontaneously, but carefully plan such acquisition, pursuing a specific goal: Protection of the house or other object, herding. Therefore, the future owner wants to acquire the most promising puppy in the litter, tibetan mastiff puppy size.

Let's look at the factors that influence the growth and development of a small "Tibetan".

First is, of course, genetics. Even with all the rules of feeding, regular veterinary examinations, performing the necessary physical exercises, if the genes are "pumped", you cannot raise a large dog. That is why it is very important to acquire a puppy only from trusted breeders with a preliminary study of the future pedigree of the pet.

The second most important is the amount of breast milk that the puppy receives in the first days of life. If the baby is malnourished from birth, he will be weaker than his brothers and sisters, respectively, and smaller.

Logically follows the third component: the quality of the dog's food. If she received vitamin and mineral supplements in sufficient quantities in the process of bearing offspring, she lived in a warm place, walked abundantly, then it can be said with almost 100% certainty that she will give birth to puppies with excellent initial data, tibetan mastiff puppy size. If, on the contrary, the conditions of her maintenance left much to be desired, then the mother of such a litter would be weak, with possible developmental pathologies. Saving on a bitch producer both during pregnancy and after giving birth is a very bad idea.

When babies are taken from the mother and given the first supplements, it is very important to eat the right diet. There are 2 ways: "natural" food or prepared food. If you choose the first way, be prepared for the fact that the puppy will need animal proteins (chicken, turkey, beef, eggs, and cottage cheese), carbohydrates (buckwheat, rice, and vegetables), and fats (vegetable oil). When choosing ready-made feedings, give preference to super premium feedings marked as giant.

Mastiff should walk for at least 2-3 hours a day, while it is desirable that he not only walked behind his master, but also ran freely, executed orders and overcame obstacles. If he has his own yard, fine, if not, he will have to take his pet to a special platform or out of town.

Disease both is congenital and acquired. And if nothing can be done about inherited developmental defects (it is better to refuse to buy a puppy), then acquired diseases at the first signs of appearance can and should be treated, tibetan mastiff puppy size. Show the animal to the vet, follow all his instructions and you can grow a large and healthy animal.

How old do they grow?

The development of the "Tibetans" is quite slow. Girls grow to 3 years, boys to 4 years. At the same time, their puberty also "slows down": the first mating is not permissible before a 2-year-old female, while in males they take into account their individual characteristics (height, weight, etc.). Tibetan Mastiffs have a heating line only once a year, most often during the winter.

It is necessary to select a pair to mate very competently, since the future characteristics of the offspring and the possibility of the puppies being displayed according to the copies depend on the set of genes transferred.

"Tibetans" are rightfully considered giants among dogs, although there are larger breeds and breeds, tibetan mastiff puppy size. According to the characteristics of the breed, its average dimensions are as follows:

The average weight of an adult dog is about 70 kg, female dogs - up to 65 kg;

Average height (withers): male - 68-71 cm, bitch - 58-62 cm.

The description of the Tibetan Mastiff says that it occupies the sixth line of the ranking of the highest dogs in the world. The maximum height recorded by a representative of this breed is 80 cm, and the weight can be up to 85-90 kg.

The absolute champion today is the Hong Kong dog, which has reached a weight of 155 kg.

Puppy size per month

So, it's time to find out what the sizes of Tibetan Mastiffs are, depending on their age. "Tibetans" are born with a mass of 400-600 grams, which depends on the number of babies in the litter, as well as the genetics of the parents, tibetan mastiff puppy size. Then the weekly puppies gain between 50 and 150 grams per day, the quality of the milk, the initial data of the baby and the living conditions affect the weight gain. Optionally, the largest puppy from birth will remain that way as he matures.

They are descended from ancient races that remain almost unchanged. They used him in the Himalayas as a guardian of flocks and villages; he also lived with the Tibetan lamas in their temples, later spreading throughout Asia and Europe.

It is one of the largest dogs that exist, being able to reach 80 cm in height and 100 kilos in weight.

With such a size we can describe this breed as powerful, massive and with enormous muscles, which will be supported by a heavy and very well built bone structure.

Its high-set ears are not too large and hang down to the sides of the head; they will be covered with smooth and smooth hair. The not very large eyes are dark hazel in color.

The rather long neck is strong and broad with a dewlap.

The very high withers are clearly marked, while the dorsal line is substantially horizontal.

His limbs are harmoniously balanced with the rest of the body.

The high-set tail may hang down but will almost always be rolled up, tibetan mastiff puppy size.

Long hair without curls, the undercoat is very thick and dense to protect it from inclement weather.

It is a dog that due to its morphology does not fit in apartments or small residences, it needs large spaces.


He is brave and aggressive. They need their owners to be familiar with dogs and this is not the first they have since they have to be educated from a very young age due to his strong temperament, socialization must continue for life.


It needs frequent hair brushing. Move once a year.



It usually lives about 10 years.

It is an ancient working breed of nomadic Himalayan herders and a traditional guardian of Tibetan monasteries, tibetan mastiff puppy size. It has been surrounded by great mysticism since it was discovered in ancient times. From its mention by Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) to the famous writings of Marco Polo, who went to Asia in 1271, all historical reports praise the Tibetan Mastiff's natural strength and greatness, both physically and mentally. Even their bark has been described as a unique and highly treasured feature of the breed.

The record of the highest sale for a dog of this breed is 1.5 million Euros, a dog named Hong Dong bought by a coal magnate in China. The prominent European dog lovers of the past such as Martin and Youth, Megrim, Beckmann, Siber as well as Strobe, Byland have intensively investigated the Tibetan Mastiff, being fascinated with its origin and function in Tibetan culture.

Considered the breed from which all large mountain breeds and all mastiffs derived. One of the first bulldogs from Tibet to reach western shores was a male specimen sent to Queen Victoria by Lord Harding (then Viceroy of India) in 1847. Later in 1880 Edward VII (then Prince of Wales), was brought 2 dogs back to England. One of the first records of Tibetan Mastiff litters was in 1898, born in the Berlin Zoo.

According to testimonies dating back to 2,000 years before Christ, the Tibetan Mastiff was used by the Assyrians as a war dog and for the custody of prisoners. It still appears with the same aspect in the Babylonian, Egyptian and Greek bas-reliefs, thus demonstrating the great diffusion that it had in such ancient times.

With the Roman conquests and the invasions of the Asian peoples, it spread rapidly throughout the Mediterranean basin, giving rise to all the European molasses breeds, many of the shepherd and other rescuers such as the Saint Bernard, the Newfoundland and the Mountain Dog, tibetan mastiff puppy size. It is one of the oldest breeds of origin and is still used today in the Himalayan chain for the custody of herds and as a guardian of monasteries.

In the fulfillment of this function it is safe and incorruptible, fierce and dangerous with strangers, like almost all the races that we can define as "ancient" and whose character has been forged over the centuries. It has spread little outside of Asia, even among kennels, as it is rare to see specimens of this breed participate in international dog shows. Characteristics [edit code] Date of publication of the valid original standard: 03.09.2013 Use: It is a companion, guard and protection dog; slow to mature, females reach maturity between 2 and 3 years and males at least 4 years.

No proof of work. General appearance: it is a powerful, heavy dog with good bone structure. Important proportions: The distances from the occiput to the nasal-frontal depression and from the latter to the tip of the nose are equal, although the nasal bridge may be a little shorter. The body is slightly longer than the height at the withers.

Temperament / behavior: reserved and protective. Head: quite broad, heavy and strong. As an adult, there may be some wrinkles on the head, which extend from the top of the eyes down to the corners of the lips, tibetan mastiff puppy size. Cranial region Skull: massive, with very marked occipital protuberance. Nano-frontal depression (Stop): very well defined. Facial region: Nose: broad, well pigmented, with well open nostrils.

Muzzle: quite wide, well full and square, seen from all angles. Lips: well developed, forming moderate lips. Jaws and teeth: strong jaws with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, that is, the inner surface of the upper incisors is in close contact with the outer surface of the lower incisors; the teeth should be set squarely in the jaws.

The pincer bite is accepted. It is essential that the denture fits snugly so that the muzzle maintains its square shape. Eyes: very expressive, medium-sized and colored in any shade of brown. Oval, set well apart and slightly oblique. Ears: medium size, triangular, hanging, carried low, drooping forward and hanging close to the head. When the dog is alert, he picks them up.

The outer part of the pinna is covered with short, soft fur. Neck: strong, well-muscled, and arched. It should not have a lot of double chin. Body: your body is vigorous. Back: straight, muscular. Croup: almost imperceptible. Chest: quite deep and moderately broad, tibetan mastiff puppy size. The ribs are quite arched to give the rib cage a heart shape.

The chest descends below the elbows. Tail: medium to long, but should not reach below the tibia-tarsal joint. It is well covered with fringes. Extremities Forelimbs: straight, well covered with dense hair throughout.

Shoulders: well sloped, muscular and with strong bones. Pasterns: strong, slightly sloping. Hind limbs: powerful, muscular. Seen from behind, the hind limbs are parallel. Knee: well angulated femora-tibia-patellar angulation. Hock joint: strong, well lowered. The amputation of the dewclaws (single or double is optional).

Feet: quite large, strong and compact. They are shaped like cat's feet with a lot of hair between the toes. Movement: firm, free, always light and elastic. In fast gaits it tends to bring the limbs closer in a median line. When he walks, he seems slow and careful. Coat: Males have noticeably more hair than females. The quality of the hair is of greater importance than the quantity, tibetan mastiff puppy size.

Mainly the hair should be quite long and dense. In cold weather it should have a thick undercoat that becomes somewhat sparse in hot months. The hair is fine but hard, straight and shaggy. The hair of the undercoat, when it has it, is quite woolly. The neck and shoulders are covered with hair giving the appearance of a mane. The tail is covered with dense, dense hair.

The upper back of the hindquarters has quite long fringed hair. Color: deep black, black and tan, brown, various shades of gold, gray and blue; gray and blue and tan. The tan color varies from a very intense hue to lighter colors. A white star is allowed on the chest. Minimal white spots are acceptable on the feet.

Fire spots appear over the eyes, on the lower limbs, on the underside of the tail, around the muzzle, and in the form of glasses around the eyes. Size: height at the withers. Males: minimum 66 cm. Females: minimum 61 cm. Faults: any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered a fault and its severity is considered to the degree of the deviation from the standard. N.B.: males must have two normal-appearing testes fully descended into the scrotum, tibetan mastiff puppy size.

Tibetan Mastiff Weight

Adult female Tibetan Mastiff weight ranges from 34 to 54 kg.

Weight of adult male Tibetan Mastiff varies from 45 to 73 kg.

Some tips on the weight of the Tibetan Mastiff puppy, during its growth:

Growth of female Tibetan Mastiff:

Depending on her size, the weight of the female Tibetan Mastiff at 3 months should be between 12.7 and 18.2 kg.

At 6 months, the female Tibetan Mastiff weighs on average between 23.7 kg for the smallest and 33.4 kg for larger individuals.

How much does a female Tibetan Mastiff owe to 1 year? 

The female Tibetan Mastiff will end up growing between the age of 16 months for the smallest riders and the age of 19 months for the largest.

Male Tibetan Mastiff Growth:

Depending on its size, the weight of the male Tibetan Mastiff at 3 months should be between 15.6 and 22.9 kg.

At 6 months, the male Tibetan Mastiff weighs on average between 28.9 kg for the smallest and 41.7 kg for larger individuals, tibetan mastiff puppy size.

How much does a male Tibetan Mastiff owe to 1 year? 

Tibetan Mastiff the male will finish growing between the age of 19 months for the smallest riders and the age of 22 months for the largest.


It is an ancient working breed of nomadic Himalayan herders and a traditional guardian of Tibetan monasteries. It has been surrounded by great mysticism since it was discovered in ancient times. From its mention by Aristotle (384-322 BC) to the famous writings of Marco Polo, who went to Asia in 1271, all historical reports praise the Tibetan Mastiff's natural strength and greatness, both physically and mentally. Even their bark has been described as a unique and highly treasured feature of the breed. The record of the highest sale for a dog of this breed is 1.6 million Euros, a dog named Hong Dong bought by a coal magnate in China.

Prominent European canopies of the past such as Martin and Youth, Megrim, Beckmann, Siber, as well as Strobe, Byland, have intensively investigated the Tibetan Mastiff for being fascinated with its origin and function in Tibetan culture. It is considered the breed from which all large mountain breeds and all mastiffs derived.

One of the first bulldogs from Tibet to reach western shores was a male specimen sent to Queen Victoria by Lord Harding (then Viceroy of India) in 1847. Later, in 1880 Edward VII (then Prince of Wales), took two dogs back to England. One of the first records of Tibetan bulldogs litter was in 1898, born in the Berlin Zoo.

According to testimonies dating back to 2000 years before Christ, the Tibetan Mastiff was used by the Assyrians as a war dog and for the custody of prisoners, tibetan mastiff puppy size.

It still appears with the same aspect in the Babylonian, Egyptian and Greek bas-reliefs, thus demonstrating the great diffusion that it had in such ancient times. With the Roman conquests and the invasions of the Asian peoples, it spread rapidly through the Mediterranean basin, giving rise to all the European molasses breeds, many of shepherd and other rescue such as the Saint Bernard, the Newfoundland and the dog of Pyrenees Mountain.

It is one of the oldest breeds of origin and is still used today in the Himalayan chain for the custody of herds and as a guardian of monasteries. In the fulfillment of this function it is safe and incorruptible, fierce and dangerous with strangers, like almost all the races that we can define as "ancient" and whose character has been forged over the centuries. It has spread little outside of Asia, even among kennels, as it is rare to see specimens of this breed participate in international dog shows.

As with other races, in this we find very disparate lines. Depending on the club in which the specimen is recognized, tibetan mastiff puppy size. The breed was not recognized by the FCI in its country of origin, but Westerners exported dogs for years to different parts of Europe mainly, these dogs have morphology very different from that of the Chinese standard.

European lines have less hair density, limit colors more, and are smaller and less showy dogs. When the request was made for the FCI to recognize the breed and establish morphological patterns for it, the European variety was used for this, which is believed to have been crossed with other European Mastiffs, hence the great difference between the lines.

We will see colors not allowed in one standard and recognized in another, we will see the description of a giant dog in the Chinese standard and only of a large dog in the European one, and we will even see the ideal head, which is the most distinctive element of a breed as such. 

CNKC Standard (National China Kennel Club)

Movement is fast, vigorous, endowed with great power and endurance, high sense of vigilance, territorial, extremely faithful to the master, and enmity towards strangers, excellent guardian and protective dog, tibetan mastiff puppy size.

The head is large, the forehead is broad, the ears are lowered, the muzzle falls forward in a V-shape, and the length is similar to the width. The eyes are medium in size, dark brown in the shape of an almond, deep look. The mouth is short, square, the upper jaw is very strong, a perfect scissor bite, the upper lips are moderately sagging, the lower lips are hanging, the skin on the muzzle is abundant and forms wrinkles.

The nose and lips are black. The neck is robust with hair, the skin below the neck is abundant and falls forming folds (Goiania), wide and deep chest with wide open ribs, short and strong waist, slightly retracted abdomen. Muscular shoulders, moderately sloping scapula, hip bone, and scapula are substantially equal in length, an angle slightly greater than 90 degrees from each other.

Front legs parallel to each other, large climbing shoe, and strong hind limbs, seen from behind the hind legs are parallel and straight, with large muscles. The knee joint is moderately bent, the hock is strong.

Double layer coat, long, thick and hard, hair from 8 to 30 centimeters depending on the area, the hair is made up of two layers, one soft and woolly to keep warm and the covering layer long and shiny, tibetan mastiff puppy size. The male has longer and denser hair than the female. Tail set high on the back when the dog is alert.

The allowed colors are: fire black, black, yellow, red, gold, white, cream, black, blue-gray, and grayish.

The male must exceed 66 centimeters and the female 63; its growth is completed approximately at 4 years

Weight: 80-100 kilos

Standard FCI (Federation Cynologique International)

It combines majestic strength, robustness and endurance. In mature age you may have a wrinkle, which extends from the top of the eyes down to the corners of the lips. Large skull, very slightly rounded with a very pronounced occipital protrusion. Well defined stop.

Dark nose, wide and deep muzzle, lips cover the lower jaw but do not hang down, strong jaws in perfect scissors, brown and oval eyes. High-set tail carried over the back when the dog is alert. Light and elastic movement, two layers of hair, both short, the hair is fine and straight.

Colors: fire black, blue, black, light bay gold. White is penalized, only one white star is allowed on the chest. Hanging lips are also penalized (which instead maintains the Chinese standard, as well as the white color in the Chinese standard if it is allowed)

Weight: 50-80 kilos

UKC Standard (United Kennel Club)

Large and robust dog, independent, can be wary of strangers, wide skull with large and marked occipital stop, wide and square muzzle, black nose and moderately pendulous lips, brown and oval eyes, triangular ears falling close to the head, bitten on scissor or pincer, slightly arched neck, straight legs, slightly oval rib cage, parallel hind legs, tail curled to one side over the back, measured and light movement, tibetan mastiff puppy size. 

Colors: black, gray or gold. White, liver or chocolate colors are penalized.

Weight: 50-80 kilos

AKC Standard (American Kennel Club)

Large but not giant dog, athletic and substantial, sunken eyes, wide muzzle, short and rustic hair, minimum size of males 63 cm, females between minimum 59 cm.

Broad head with hardly any wrinkles, these are the object of disqualification, noble and intelligent expression, sunken eyes, hanging ears in a V shape. Wide snout with tight lips, moderately drooping, and black nose except in blue dogs, scissor or pincer bites. The tail is always curled on the back except when the dog is resting. Straight legs, climbing shoe. Slightly angled hind legs seen from behind can have single or double dewclaws. 

Colors: black, brown, blue, gray, silver, red. The rest of the colors are disqualification fouls by the standard, such as white, cream or gray.

Weight: 50-70 Kilos

Differences between the lines

The differences are due to the fact that the original Tibetan Mastiff is from China and the FCI, in view of the fact that China did not request to enter the Tibet Mastiff in its registry and to be recognized as a breed by the FCI, entrusted its registration to Europeans and Westerners, who They were in charge of drafting the official FCI standard, so that having no knowledge of the original and ancient breed of the Tibetan Mastiff that exists in China, they drew up the standard based on European dogs, very far from the actual standard of Tibetan . In this way, the FCI does not have the real Tibetan as a standard, although it does accept the Chinese standard in its records, tibetan mastiff puppy size. The Chinese is a larger, wider, hairier dog, with a thicker mane and with a more primitive and fierce character, common in Asian dogs.

We find in the Chinese line the purest and most primitive Doge of Tibet; dogs that still guard monasteries in the raw Himalayan Mountains, with a strong character, independent, distrustful and dangerous for strangers but very devoted to their master or master. It is a more powerful and heavier dog but no less agile for that, let's not forget that it is in the mountains so it cannot be a clumsy dog. In the case of the Chinese, all colors are admitted and they have a much longer and thicker coat, which makes them more striking and gives them the appearance of lions.

In the case of white or cream Tibetans, mentioning that centuries ago, only the emperor and his family could own white or cream Tibetans, was a way of making these dogs something more special and distinguished, unique, so that if someone else had a puppy or Tibetan of this color was sacrificed, otherwise the owners were punished, others gave the puppy as a gift to the emperor. In this way, white or cream Tibetan bulldogs were scarce even in the same place of origin, but over the years it has been recovering, we are talking about an exclusive color but that unfortunately do not admit any club, except the Chinese federation, which are the knowledgeable about the breed and its history and origins.

The rest of the lines we can define all together, since the differences between all of them and the Chinese are enormous, if we talk about character all the others are similar, also in the hair, another very important visual detail, in size, although others clubs have 66cm specimens, it should be noted that in weight and width the Chinese lines far exceed the other lines, also adding that in the case of the Chinese lines, the strange thing is to find dogs of 66, since most exceed 70 cm, tibetan mastiff puppy size.

So in this breed we find 4 standards, that of the Chinese federation, that of the UKC, that of the AKC and that of the FCI.

But of all of them the only one written by Chinese breeders, in the cradle and birth of the breed is the Chinese standard.

It should be added that this type of problem in terms of erroneous standards by the FCI is much more common than is believed, such is the case of the Turkish Kanga, which the FCI does not recognize because in its view it is already represented by the Anatolian shepherd, although the latter is also an amalgam of crosses of various Turkish races perpetuated by foreigners. Just as the Tibetan Bulldogs that belong to the other standards (UKC, AKC and FCI) carry the blood of European Mastiffs, in the case of the American variety probably with some breed of European Shepherd Dog or Mastiff, which has modified their appearance, coat and character, making foreign varieties more docile but also inferior to Chinese for guarding and protection.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is a canine breed of Italian origin, a descendant of an ancient Roman breed, a bulldog-type molasses.


The Neapolitan Mastiff of Europe descends from the Tibetan Mastiff, the oldest exponent of the canine species. Probably the first Asian Mastiffs were brought from India to Greece by Alexander the Great, around 300 BC. The Greeks made them known to the Romans, who were enthusiastic and used them in circus fights, tibetan mastiff puppy size. The word Mastiff comes from the Latin missives, which means solid. According to English cytology, on the other hand, the mastiff was brought to Britain by the Phoenicians in 500 BC. From there the diffusion by Europe would have begun. The Neapolitan Mastiff was trained to fight against lions, bears, tigers, it was also a dog bred for war and against gladiators.5

The Neapolitan Mastiff is in any case a descendant of the ancient Roman Colossian, its cradle is in the south of the Valentine Peninsula. In Campania the breeding continued, despite the threats of time and war. It can thus be assured that the Neapolitan Mastiff has lived in Campania for at least two thousand years, although it’s second official appearance in the cinofilia dates from 1946 and its standard from 1949.

There are several bloodlines, among the most recognized are di pompano, del Ghent, del Vitoria, di Fossombrone, del Castellaccio, Della Stardom, Dell ‘Illimani, di Ponzi, del sol.


Heavy, massive, stocky and large, the length of the trunk exceeds the height at the withers by 10%. The length of the head is equal to 3/10 of the height at the withers and the ratio of skull to muzzle is 2 to 1.

Temperament and behavior

Of determined and loyal character; it is not aggressive, nor does it bite for no reason. As protector of the property and its inhabitants, he is always vigilant. He is intelligent, noble and majestic. 


The Neapolitan Mastiff breeding is laborious and difficult to obtain. Its temperament, in principle peaceful, can become aggressive if its owner is not able to train and socialize it responsibly and consistently, tibetan mastiff puppy size. They require exercise due to their large size and are possessors of great strength. You can get hip dysplasia since they are very heavy, so it is advisable to pay attention to the diet to avoid being overweight (a factor that increases the risk of dysplasia), since they can easily weigh up to 100 kilos when the dog is healthy. They require large spaces such as: large patios or fenced gardens. It is not advisable to have them in flats or apartments.


The Neapolitan Mastiff should be fed especially with meat (1 kg per day) and rice or bread. It should not be fattened with soups and / or vegetables as it would become flaccid and lose its liveliness. The correct diet would be balanced meals and consulted with your veterinarian.


The Neapolitan Mastiff has a reputation for being a good watchdog. Despite its surly and even fierce appearance, if it is trained and socialized from an early age it can be a peaceful, balanced, sweet, faithful dog, it is very affectionate with the owner, a friend of children and with friends at home and very silent, tibetan mastiff puppy size. It is a very brave animal that knows how to resist physical pain fiercely. Due to its massive structure, its movement is heavy and clumsy, but also if it is trained and exercised correctly it can be showy, elegant and very affectionate with children.


It has been a war dog, a combat dog in the circus, a police auxiliary, a sled dog, a companion dog and a personal defense dog for people with disabilities. Nowadays he is being trained as a house and farm guardian and is increasingly appreciated as a companion dog. He is dominant by nature and makes it known to other dogs.

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Tibetan mastiff puppy size

Tibetan mastiff puppy size by Month: Weight and Height The Tibetan Mastiff, also called a Tibetan Mastiff, is an amazing and very unusual d...