Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Tibetan mastiff puppies

Tibetan mastiff puppies (Tibetan Mastiff): character, breed, price and weight

He is the progenitor of all colossi; we are talking about the “Tibetan Mastiff”.
The Tibetan Mastiff is a legendary dog, due to its ancient origins and the fact that this breed of dog has maintained a large part of its original peculiarities over the centuries.

Tibetan mastiff puppies and child

Tibetan mastiff puppies brown

Tibetan mastiff puppies cute

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Tibetan mastiff puppies

It is originally from Tibet, where however, it is in danger of extinction. Around the 19th century, some British explorers brought some specimens to London (specimens that later ended up in the zoo) and today, to better define their characteristics, it is necessary to distinguish two varieties, the Tibetan Mastiff from Tibet and the one from England.

The former are almost impossible to tame, they tend to be scathing and aggressive, while the latter are much quieter.

Tibetan Mastiff: origins
The Tibetan Mastiff, also called Tibetan Mastiff, is a canine breed of Tibetan origin. 

This breed is literally surrounded by an aura of legends that accompanied it throughout the centuries. 

The Tibetan Mastiff is often cited as the progenitor of all Molossians. Actually, we should talk more about a dog that, thanks to the isolation in the highlands of Tibet, has preserved some typical characteristics of the molossians, tibetan mastiff puppies. It has maintained the appearance, power and majesty of its origins; although today there is a variant of this dog with a more stable and calm character.

The Tibetan Mastiff is no longer considered the dangerous and ferocious animal of the past. Thanks to its variant, it is praised for its calm and the ease with which it lives in a home.

Tibetan Mastiff: use
What can we say about the current Tibetan Mastiff? Surely it is a watchdog! Also that it has a lunatic character and is not easy to manage, it needs to always be in constant contact with its owner. However, he is very protective, almost obsessive. In family life it is a dog that maintains its independence and can appear quite cold and distant.

Therefore, the Tibetan Mastiff is not a suitable dog for everyone. It needs to be socialized from a puppy to soften its character a bit. He is not a lover of strangers and neither of children. In addition, he is a dog that lives well in a large house with a garden and not in an apartment, despite the fact that he may spend most of his time dozing, tibetan mastiff puppies. In reality, it is an active dog, very attentive to every little movement and any type of noise, in addition, it needs large spaces and outdoors.

The Tibetan Mastiff lives an average of 14-15 years and does not present any particular pathologies. It is a strong, healthy and very brave dog. A little attention should be paid to his diet, especially as a puppy, because he has a slow and steady growth. 

It is a large dog and until last year it was also considered the most expensive dog in the world. A puppy Tibetan Mastiff was bought by a Chinese for more than one million euros. This breed, which is not economical to keep, is a victim of breeders who often cross it with other breeds or carry out “facelift” operations to increase its commercialization.

Tibetan Mastiff: weight and physical characteristics
The Tibetan Mastiff is a giant-sized breed (certainly one of the largest dogs in the world), with a large, strong and heavy head. It has a thick mane, tibetan mastiff puppies. The muzzle is short and wide. The nose is wide, the ears are medium-sized, triangular and hang elegantly, and it carries them forward when alert. The ears are covered with a very soft and short hair.

The eyes of the Tibetan Mastiff are brown, oval and slightly oblique. The tail, of medium length, curls at the back and is covered by a long, thick coat of hair.

The colors of his coat are fire black, brown, black, red or various shades of gray. It is an imposing and strong dog, with a solid bone structure. The limbs are straight and strong. The Tibetan Mastiff has the build of a great fighter. It has a height that varies from a minimum of 66 cm for males, and 61 cm for females, while the weight ranges from 45 kg to 72 kg for males, and from 34 kg to 54 kg for females. females.

Tibetan Mastiff: half life
The Tibetan Mastiff is a dog that has an average life span of 14 to 15 years and, as far as its health is concerned, it does not present many problems, tibetan mastiff puppies. We must pay a little attention to their diet, which must be balanced and very rich in nutrients, especially in the first months of life.

Tibetan Mastiff: character
Surely this breed of dog is not suitable for all people. It is a demanding dog and, from the point of view of character, it is necessary to distinguish between those that are currently in Tibet (where it is in danger of extinction) and those that come from England.

The former are certainly much more aggressive and fierce, and they are not easy to train. The English, on the other hand, are obedient and very attached to their owner.

The Tibetan Mastiff is a watchdog (it certainly belongs to the best watchdogs on the planet). Due to its size it is best to keep it in open spaces. It is not really suitable for apartment living. It is a very alert dog and does not allow its intentions to be intuited.

However, he is very close to her family and is very protective of her because he feels responsible for her. Despite his independence, he needs constant contact with his family.

Tibetan Mastiff: price and breeding establishments
A curious aspect of the Tibetan Mastiff is certainly its price, tibetan mastiff puppies. Today it ranges between 1500 and 2000 euros, about 1600-2100 dollars. A Tibetan Mastiff puppy has earned the title as “the most expensive dog in the world”. A Chinese businessman paid it 12 million yuan, equivalent to 1.4 million euros.

Until last year, this breed really had very high prices. But now its market has shrunk significantly. There was a golden period in which all breeders aimed to breed this breed.

Then the breeders began to have inappropriate behavior, not to say illegal, starting to cross this breed with other specimens that did not have pedigree, so that the dogs looked more powerful, and therefore more interesting for potential buyers.

Tibetan Mastiff: puppies
It is essential that you buy from a trusted breeder so that you can be sure that your puppy has been:

Raised for him to have good health and temperament;
Well selected (his parents were chosen without genetic diseases);
Properly socialized, so that he is not too fearful or too aggressive;
Vaccinated and well cared for.
In addition, if you adopt a puppy, the trusted breeder will give you a veterinary certificate, in which it is stated that the dewormed and completely healthy animal is delivered, tibetan mastiff puppies.

You can always ask for the pedigree, which on the other hand is essential: it allows you to check the purity of the dog's breed. An animal with a pedigree has certain characteristics of its breed that differentiate it from the rest.

Now that we have clarified all the most important aspects, you can go in search of your new 4-legged friend, who is surely waiting for you.

How much does a Tibetan Mastiff cost?

Did you know that the Tibetan Mastiff is the most expensive dog in the world? In 2014, a golden-haired Tibetan Mastiff puppy was sold for $ 1.95 million, 1.72. million euros, to change.

This pedigree puppy was sold at a luxury pet fair in Zhejiang province, according to the Chinese Qianjiang Evening News.

This breed is one of the oldest, famous for its characteristic mane that gives it a Germanic appearance. However it is a docile and affectionate dog.

The price of the Tibetan Mastiff in farms varies between € 600 and € 1000, (they are not cheap but they do not reach figures as millionaire as the specimen sold in China), tibetan mastiff puppies. In Teppercan we tell you more details about this breed.

The Tibetan Mastiff or Tibetan Mastiff is one of the oldest breeds that we can find today. All Mastiffs have their origin in this breed of Mastiff.

It has always been a very popular breed due to its large size and value. That is why since their origins they have been used as guard dogs of the Monasteries, due to their robust and strong appearance.

Tibetan Mastiff or Tibetan Mastiff is also known as Do Khyi. This breed is a mountain dog, with a strong body prepared for wild life. Being one of the oldest dog breeds, all mountain dogs closely resemble these.

Physically they are very similar to each other. In addition, to survive on the mountain, they must meet special conditions. These special characteristics are found in this animal and in all those who share this habitat.

It has been a very popular breed in China, although nowadays there is not a great demand for these animals. It is not very common to find them in the West, they are more common in the East.

It is an animal that is very similar to the Lion, both for its appearance and its size.
In China it was considered one of the most expensive dogs on the market, tibetan mastiff puppies. There was an occasion when the sale of one of these specimens was considered the sale of the most expensive dog in the world. The price that this transaction reached was exorbitant.

Today they are still as guardians of religious temples. They can also be seen as shepherds of flocks in Tibet. It is not very common to see specimens of this species outside their place of origin.

History and origin of the Tibetan Mastiff
The Tibetan Mastiff is a breed native to Tibet. This breed was used by the nomads of the Himalayas to care for the herds. They were also used as a guard dog for the protection of Tibetan Monasteries.

There used to be a large number of Tibetan Mastiffs at the entrance gates to monasteries, to protect them.

This breed is considered one of the oldest in the East. It is still used as a protector of flocks and for the protection of monasteries.

It is a very ferocious breed with strangers. They have a very strong character and it is very difficult to train them, you have to insist a lot on their instruction.

These dogs have practically the same physical characteristics as in their origins, their appearance has hardly changed, tibetan mastiff puppies.

In the brocades of the ancient Lamaseries we can find drawings of the Tibetan Mastiff. Its appearance is the same as it currently has, hence it is believed that it has not evolved much over time.

Physical characteristics of this breed
The Tibetan Mastiff is a large dog with great physical strength. It can reach 85-100 kg. Its appearance is sturdy, robust and very majestic due to its large size. The average age of life of the Tibetan Mastiff is between 12 and 14 years approximately.

The body of this animal is quite robust and a bit elongated. They have a very broad chest, and thick legs. The head is much larger than the body, it is what stands out the most from its body.

They have a rounded head, with a well marked and very strong muzzle. It is a broad head, which stands out for its size. Its large head gives it an air of grandeur and corpulence, it is considered a very elegant breed.

It is a dog that imposes a lot due to its size, in addition to having a long coat, it creates a feeling of greater size than it has. It has a double coat on its fur, the first and closest to the skin is soft.

The surface layer is shorter and not as smooth as the inner layer, tibetan mastiff puppies. The dog's tail is curled around the end of its body. It is medium in size and the same color as the fur on its body.

Dogs that have a double coat of hair usually shed the coat closest to the skin depending on the season of the year. In winter it is more common for this layer to be thick fur to protect them from the cold. In summer they tend to have thinner and shorter hair so that they are not so hot.

The colors of this breed of dog range from black to brown through gold with reddish hues. The most common coat color for this breed is coppery brown with black details. Or the other way around, black with brown details on the chest and legs.

Behavior of the Tibetan Mastiff
This dog is very docile, despite having a strong character, with his family he is a very close animal. He is loyal to his relatives and also very protective.

It is an animal that can be kept in a house with children, but it must be trained with great effort. If you are going to live with children it is very important that you become familiar with them as soon as possible.

It is a calm dog in appearance, but not friendly to strangers, tibetan mastiff puppies. Nor does he take long to react to what he considers a threat to his own.

It is a very protective dog, so it can be dangerous if you feel the need to defend your own.

These animals have an unmistakable bark. It resembles the growl of a lion, so it is very fierce. It is a serious dog, it is not a funny or playful animal.

He is usually calm at home, but the moment he notices something strange, his character can become somewhat abrupt.

They are dogs that can live in a small apartment or in a house in the country. They need a terrace or a small garden where they can go out whenever they want. They are not required to exercise excessively.

But it is recommended that they take long walks. Like all animals, dogs release stress through physical activity. It can be through walks or moderate exercise. For this reason it is very important that the dog takes the walks that he needs every day. Otherwise at home they will have an agitated and moved behavior.

It is essential that the person who is going to have a Tibetan Mastiff at home knows that he is a breed with a very marked character. You need a special education.

If possible, it is recommended that the trainer be experienced, tibetan mastiff puppies. In this way we will ensure that the animal behaves properly.

Common diseases of the Tibetan Mastiff
These dogs do not usually have many serious health problems. Most of its problems stem from its large size. Due to their bulk, their bones and joints are progressively damaged.

For this reason, it is not recommended that they perform rough exercises. Otherwise, it is very appropriate to take long walks, even in the mountains.

The Tibetan Mastiff is a very large, stout, robust breed, so its bones wear out before their time. They usually have diseases derived from the hips, bones or joints.

Hip dysplasia can appear in adulthood of the dog.

Another common disease in these animals is hypothyroidism and cataracts. Although statistically it does not occur in all specimens, you have to take care of their eyes from puppies.

When we talk about large breeds it is very important that we avoid inappropriate behavior from a young age. The puppies of these breeds acquire a large size in a short time.

So they will be large in size while still puppies, tibetan mastiff puppies. And normally the puppies tend to have inappropriate behaviors up to a year and a half of life.

Breed specific care
As it is a large breed, we must bear in mind that the space in which it lives must be comfortable. It is not appropriate for a dog of this size to live in a very small apartment where he cannot move.

This breed has a very marked character in terms of protecting what they consider to be their pack. We must focus the education of the animal to soften its character with strangers. At least so that they do not have a brusque or aggressive behavior.

Their fur is very striking, they have long and soft hair, but it requires more care than normal. It is recommended that it be brushed several times a week so that its appearance is taken care of.

It should be borne in mind that during the shedding season they shed large amounts of hair. But they only shed their hair at the usual times, they don't do it more often.

Despite being very protective, these dogs are also very loyal. They will take loving care of the people in their flock. It is very important to work with this dog from puppy hood.

It would even be advisable that before adopting it you have knowledge about its education, tibetan mastiff puppies. It is very important to emphasize the training of the Tibetan Mastiff from puppy hood.

This breed can live with other animals. Due to its size, it must be watched when it is in contact with other smaller breeds. It is important to accustom them from the time they are small to being with other animals.

Also to behave appropriately when they are with people they do not know. Especially on the street, since during a walk through the city they can meet many strangers.

Tips for living with a Tibetan Mastiff
When we make the decision to live with a dog we must think about what that entails. In this case, acquiring a Tibetan Mastiff requires much more responsibility than acquiring another breed.

The Dogo needs exclusive attention from a puppy. The education of the animal must be very strict in its initial stage.

The behaviors of this dog must be modified from the beginning, otherwise it will become a difficult pet to treat.

Mountain dogs are robust and muscular, they have a physiognomy adapted to the place from which they come, tibetan mastiff puppies. They are dogs used to being in places of difficult access, with a very strong character for survival in nature. Very protective animals, guardians of their flock.

Their character becomes aggressive when they notice something strange. Therefore, to have a good coexistence with them in a family, an effort must be made when educating them.

It is recommended that their habitual residence be spacious so that they can move freely. Also that it has an outdoor area that the dog can access when it is alone.

If the house in which you live has a garden area, the animal will feel much better. Since he is used to living in the mountains, surrounded by nature and with large spaces to move around.

If this dog is raised surrounded by people and other dogs it will be easier to socialize. It is an animal that tends to be lonely. If he gets used to being with more people since he was a puppy, his training will be easier.

It is very important that they are sociable, so that they do not develop abnormal behaviors later.

As is often the case with all dogs, with patience and love you can achieve everything. Dogs that have a very marked character are usually very appreciative. The dog is man's best friend, he only needs the necessary attention to become a great pet.

The Tibetan Mastiff - Character, behavior and care

The Tibetan Mastiff, also called the Tibetan Mastiff, is one of the largest and oldest breeds in existence, tibetan mastiff puppies. You will recognize him by his muscular and imposing body, but especially by the great lion's mane that accumulates around his neck.

Despite its Asian origin, today you can find it all over the world. It stands out for being a good watchdog and companion dog, although it requires very specific care. Do you want to know everything about this impressive breed? We show you!

History of the Tibetan Mastiff
The Tibetan Mastiff is known by two other names: Tibetan Mastiff and Do-Khyi. It has been impossible to determine its origin, since it has existed in Tibet for millennia, but the isolation of this territory prevented it from spreading to other areas.

There are records of its existence in texts by Aristotle and in the writings left by Marco Polo after making his travels. Already at that time, the Tibetan Mastiff was distinguished by its imposing size.

Around the Himalayas and the temples of Tibet, it was used as a guard dog. It is possible that the other varieties of mastiff that are known today will derive from this breed.

Despite the texts that record its existence before Christ, the race took centuries to leave Asia, tibetan mastiff puppies. Just in 1847 it was taken to England, and some years later two specimens were part of the Berlin Zoo exhibition.

Physical characteristics of the Tibetan Mastiff
It is a breed of giant size and very corpulent, the construction of the body is molossoid and muscular.

According to the standard indicated in the International Cynological Federation (FCI), the Tibetan Mastiff has a strong head, it is common to observe a wrinkle on the face of adult dogs.

The muzzle is wide and deep, topped by a dark nose with dilated nostrils. The jaw is rectangular and has a scissor or pincer bite, that is, the upper and lower dental rows fit perfectly.

The eyes of the Tibetan Mastiff are oval and the iris appears in different shades of brown. The tail is woolly and curved, resting on the back. Also, the ears are triangular and fall over the face.

Thanks to its abundant fur, it is compared to a lion or a large bear. The coat is double, the outer layer is of medium length with a rough and dense texture, while the inner layer is woolly. The hair is hard and accumulates in greater quantity and length around the neck, giving it an imposing mane. Do you want to know how to differentiate an authentic specimen of Tibet Mastiff? Just look at the standard.

Regarding the color of the coat, it appears in different tones: black with reddish areas, bluish with golden areas or sable, similar to the German Shepherd, tibetan mastiff puppies. There is also the black Tibetan Mastiff, with a few reddish spots around the eyes, muzzle and tail.

Character and personality of the Tibetan Mastiff
The Tibetan Mastiff has a strong, but easygoing temperament. He stands out for his intelligence and for being a loyal dog to his family, since he is territorial and protective.

This same territoriality must be prosecuted from a puppy with good socialization, since his character could get out of control. Considering the size of it, this is not recommended.

He is a brave and independent dog, capable of making decisions on his own. Although sweet and devoted to family, he is wary of strangers, as he serves as a guard dog.

Necessary care for a Tibetan Mastiff
The Tibetan Mastiff is not a dog for all families. First of all, it requires a spacious place to live, it is not recommended for small apartments. Houses with large patios or large country houses are the ideal settings for him.

The abundant coat requires him to live in cool and even cold climates. Although he is adapted to develop in any part of the world, low temperatures are more pleasant for him, he is not a suitable dog for hot places such as central or southern Spain.

Despite his large size, he requires moderate physical activity. Daily walks are recommended, without forcing distances or forcing you to run, tibetan mastiff puppies. Long-term activities, like playing ball for hours or chasing pucks, are not his thing. However, he tends to be more open to games during cold weather.

It is not recommended that you take him out for a walk without a leash, as his tendency to make his own decisions and his territoriality could lead him to fight with other dogs. Also, a dog of this size on the loose can scare your neighbors.

As for training, he starts from a young age with the main commands, he will learn them very quickly. He requires that you arm yourself with patience and decision, as the Tibetan Mastiff usually decides on his own if the order given does not convince him.

For this reason, it is not recommended for people with no dog training experience. He seldom responds to training based on edible treats or treats.

Coat care and proper nutrition
The double coat of this breed requires a lot of care. Brushing 2 to 3 times a week is recommended to remove dead hair and prevent knotting, tibetan mastiff puppies. Also, remember to be aware of the presence of fleas or ticks, as they easily hide in the dense fur.

The frequency of bathing will depend on physical activity, but can be done once or twice a month, as in most breeds.

The diet, whether based on dry feed or homemade food, must be of quality. According to weight, 2 to 4 cups of food are suggested daily. Also, remember to keep a container of clean water available at all times.

Given its large size, the use of chondroprotectors is essential to keep your joints healthy.

The best chondroprotectors for dogs
Many commercial feed already have chondroprotectants included, but in small quantities so it is advisable to give them apart as an extra.

Tibetan Mastiff Puppies
Tibetan Mastiff puppies have a considerable size from a young age, tibetan mastiff puppies. As we already mentioned, they require training and socialization from a young age, in addition to physical activity to burn the energy typical of age.

They grow quickly, so it is advisable to add joint supplements, such as shark cartilage, to your diet.

Tibetan Mastiff

If you are thinking of buying a Tibetan Mastiff, it is better that you get it out of your head, first because from Compramania we advise you to adopt, a friend does not buy, a friend meets, helps, is adopted, and secondly because we are facing the which may be the most expensive breed in the world.

If you like dogs and have looked online, surely you have come across more than one mention of the Tibetan Mastiff, a dog from Tibet that has become well known for its enormous beauty and bulk. But it is also considered the most expensive dog in the world since in 2011 a red dog called Big Splash was sold at the dog show held in the eastern province of Zhejiang, China, for one and a half million euros. And in 2014 another specimen surpassed this record when it was purchased for one million nine hundred thousand euros.

As a lover of dogs, especially molossians or mastiffs, my favorite breed is the Spanish Mastiff, I have known the Tibetan Mastiff or Tibetan Mastiff for many years, but it seems that in the last decade they have gained great popularity in the world. Don't be fooled by its name, although it is called Tibetan Mastiff it does not belong to the mastiff family, the name was coined by the first western visitors who discovered it on the plateaus of Tibet where they had been using it for hundreds of years as a herd herder. . And the fashions in the cases of dogs are usually not good, because there is an explosion of demand and little or no professional breeders who only care about money grow like mushrooms, tibetan mastiff puppies.

Tibetan Mastiff Origin
The Tibetan Mastiff or Tibetan Mastiff as it is also known, comes precisely from this Asian region of Tibet, where it is popularly known as Drog-Khyi which means nomadic dog, this is so because of its work as a shepherd and protector of herds, task main commissioned by the shepherds of Tibet, but also of Mongolia, India ..

As we say, its origin as a working dog has given it that imposing image (up to 76 cm at the withers can reach males and almost 100 kg in weight) necessary to face all kinds of predators such as bears, wolves or leopards without fear. to lose their life in battle.

If we go back further in its origin, we find writings that date the use of this breed as a fighting dog and for custody of prisoners by the Assyrians 2000 years before Christ.

It was at that time when it is believed that it spread through the Mediterranean giving rise to all the races of European molossers such as the Pyrenees Mountain, the Newfoundland or the San Bernando even, thus, we are facing one of the oldest races that exist.

Another theory is that Genghis Khan had an army of Tibetan Mastiffs, yes, yes, you heard right, 30,000 dogs big as lions attacked the opposing armies that were clearly defeated, tibetan mastiff puppies. After the wars ended, it is believed that dogs were given to rulers of other countries and hence their expansion.

Nowadays they are very popular in the East but in the West they are not usually seen too much, their vital needs such as space, long walks, etc ... do not make a very suitable dog to live in an apartment, they need at least a country house with a small garden where you can stretch your legs.

His arrival in Europe dates back to 1898 where there is a record of the first litter of Tibetan Mastiffs born at the Berlin Zoo.

Morphology of the Tibetan Mastiff
If you know other breeds of Asian origin such as the Chow Chow you will realize that it seems the older cousin of the latter, with obvious differences, the Tibetan Mastiff is a powerful and heavy dog, it must have a good bone structure and solid.

There are two clear lines or subtypes within the Tibetan Mastiff breed, the Drog-Khyi or nomadic dog is, let's say, the working breed, the most muscular and better structured specimens are those used for the protection of the herd and work in harsh conditions of the Tibetan plateaus.

And the Tsang-Khyi or "dog of Tsang", also known as the monastery dog, as the monks selected them for their grandeur and morphology as dogs for the care of the monasteries, tibetan mastiff puppies. They are generally more "exaggerated" than the working ones, they are larger, with more hair and with more wrinkles, characteristics that could make it difficult for him to work with the herd.

In the same litter from the same mother, you can find the two lines that are separated when growing up for one or another task. The same thing happens for example with a closer breed such as the Spanish Mastiff, that there are obvious differences between the working mastiffs (Spanish working mastiff or Leonese mastiff) and the Spanish competition mastiffs (Spanish mastiff).

So you can see that the majority of images on the internet of Tibetan mastiffs belong to the classification of monastery dogs (Tsang-Khyi) for their more imposing and voluminous image.


The hair is another distinctive of this breed, and gives rise to two new classifications by the length of the hair on its head, we can find ourselves before what they call lion, with a longer head hair or tiger, if the hair on the head it's shorter.

As for Tibetan Mastiff colors, we can find examples of red, gold, black, black and gold, fire, gray and tan ... these color combinations are accepted in the standard, but in reality we can find ourselves, although very exceptionally, with a white Tibetan mastiff.

The hair must be long and silky, but never wavy, it must be fine and straight, due to the temperatures in their region of origin they have very dense hair that protects them from low temperatures, tibetan mastiff puppies.


Another very distinctive feature of this breed is its bark, it has a bark that more closely resembles the growl of a lion than a barking dog, this, together with its enormous appearance, make it a breed that I would not like to meet face to face in a showdown.


The life expectancy of the Tibetan Mastiff as well as large dogs is estimated at 10 years of life.

This breed, due to its origin as a working shepherd dog, is not very prone to diseases, they are tough and resistant dogs, but we must pay attention to some ailments that could affect our pet:

They are prone to cataracts in the eyes, so you should monitor them from a young age and do proper hygiene to avoid malformations, tibetan mastiff puppies.

Due to their size, they are prone like other giant breeds to suffer from hip dysplasia, a hereditary disease that can seriously affect the specimens that suffer from it because it is also degenerative, you must make sure when buying a puppy that its parents are free of this disease.

Hypothyroidism, very common also in large breeds, which can be treated with a thyroid supplement.

Tibetan Mastiff Character
There is a lot of legend here about the Tibetan Mastiff, it is by some classified as the most powerful guard dog in China. It is true that it was originally used as a combat molosser, but today its main task is as a nomadic shepherd dog.

His character is reserved with strangers and very protective of the family, with which he creates a very special bond. As a working dog, he is not used to staying locked in a house watching the time go by, he needs to roam freely in the countryside, being necessary at least a piece of land or farm where he can walk if you want to get hold of a copy of this incredible breed.

Tibetan Mastiff Training
It is not a suitable dog for people without experience in dogs, even better if its new owner has experience in dog training and knowledge of ethology, which allows him to live and enjoy this breed just like the dog to lead an ideal life, tibetan mastiff puppies.

It is a stubborn and stubborn dog, to which you will have to repeat the orders over and over again, do not expect a circus dog, they are not very given to obey without more. They are loyal dogs, working dogs but they need their space, they will protect the herd or their family with their lives, but do not expect a dog that learns a thousand tricks and repeats them like a robot.

Socialization is a vital part of their training, they are distrustful of strangers but very sociable with the family, it is better even if they live with other dogs, it helps them to socialize from puppies and learn to face daily problems in a stable way. 

If you are going to have a Tibetan Mastiff as a pet, I strongly recommend that you read a lot about it before getting a Tibetan Mastiff puppy, they are dogs that in less than a year will reach almost one meter in height and you have to dedicate a lot of time to educate them correctly

Tibetan Mastiff puppies
You have read a lot about the breed, you have soaked up the care and basic needs of a Tibetan Mastiff and you want to buy a Tibetan Mastiff puppy, okay, let's see where you can buy a Tibetan Mastiff and what you should take into account when it comes to of looking for a good breeder, tibetan mastiff puppies.

Before you know, this breed only has one litter per year and about 5 cubs are born from each birth.


Before buying a puppy you must have everything prepared for his arrival home, the area where he will sleep, feeders and drinkers, blankets and leashes, etc.

• Make sure that there is consensus in the family (in case there are more than one) and they agree on the arrival of the puppy, a dog brings with it many responsibilities that all those who will live with him every day must assume.

• Take into account his needs. If you are going to buy a Tibetan Mastiff, keep in mind that it comes from Tibet, a cold place, obviously the desert or a very hot area is not an ideal place for this breed, although it can adapt.

• Organize your time to ensure that you will be able to dedicate the necessary time to care, walks, games ...

• Expenses. A dog entails fixed expenses such as food, care, veterinary ... but other extraordinary expenses that may arise, such as a disease that must be treated, make sure that you can cover all those expenses, tibetan mastiff puppies.

• Legal aspects. In some countries or cities there are breeds considered dangerous or potentially dangerous and their possession is limited, make sure that the breed you want is not on that list. It will also be necessary for you to take out civil liability insurance to cover any damage that your pet may cause.

• Look for a good breeder (not just any breeder), who is specialized in the Tibetan Mastiff breed, not one who breed 5-10 different breeds. Make sure that the puppies are socialized from a young age in the family, it is very important that they let you see the parents of the puppies, etc.

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